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Hax festival daytime, talks, exhibits, and volunteers May 17-19

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Mark Jenkins

May 1, 2024, 3:28:48 PM5/1/24
to Announce
Hey folks,

Looking forward to Hax 5.0 Beta this Saturday night. I'll be fully in
the anti-social spirit with a chess set.

Except when the light sabre show happens. I'll be all over that.

May The 4th/source be with us!

Beyond Saturday, I'm also looking forward to the upcoming main weekend
of our 5th Hax festival, May 17-19th.

for full details and updates.

This email is to bring you all up to speed on where we're at on daytime stuff.

We've got a great talk lineup for Saturday May 18th. There is no
admission cost or tickets to get in advance for this part of the
festival. It's a free community event. Come and test our new classroom

I'll be kicking it off at 11:30am with "Full Disk Encryption on a File
Server can be Security Theatre".

At 12:45pm, Jim Sutton will introduce you to amateur radio with "The
Least Boring Presentation on Ham Radio You Will Ever See".

2:00pm will feature to the return of former board member Straithe, who
will be appearing by video conference and telling us about "Open
source community management"

For the third year in a row, Shibashis Bal will be offering us a
double presentation at 3:15pm.
First, "A dive into the NIST AI Framework"
(An exploration into how some Generative AIs meet the NIST AI Guidelines)
Second, "Challenges on Challenging Disruptions to Our Watersheds"
(A report on how local communities have inquired against companies
developing land on natural water sheds).

Closing us out at 5pm by video conference will be special guest
Michael Ossmann who founded Great Scott Gadgets and invented the
HackRF One. As a follow-up to the Canadian government targeting
software defined radio (SDR) in a misguided attempt to curb auto-theft
(see, Ossmann will talk to us about SDR and
the law.

Following talks our licensed bar will be open and we'll be in
reception mode with music you can talk over. No tickets or admission
is required for this portion, we'll be switching to ticketted mode
around 7:30-8pm.


Those talks will all be in the skullspace classroom.

The rest of the space will be home to chill stuff for your interest
between talks or when you need a break from the blah, blah, blah.

There will be exhibits, table-top and video gaming and maybe even some
small hands on workshops.

Our exhibit list so far:
* A morse code tone practice generator on a VIC-20 connected to an
Arduino based keyer
* The Commander X16 development board
* A 3D printed part for an arm bar
* A fancy 3D printer that is normally kept safe at home, a Bambu Lab
X1C w/ AMS.

That's a good start, but our festival could use a bit more Saturday
and Sunday daytime chill.

Signing up as a volunteer to make chill stuff happen is easy, just fill out

This year we even have a festival co-chair for daytime chill to
coordinate it all: introducing Casey Lewis. orbital DOT saucer AT

All volunteers for daytime chill will get tickets to our Friday May 17
and Saturday May 18 anti-socials.

We really appreciate the things you will do to help us put the entire
hackerspace experience into an entire weekend.

Thor will be capping off all the chill happenings on Sunday May 19th
with a special movie night that will include two documentaries.

Happy Hacking
Mark Jenkins
Hax 5,0 festival co-chair for Saturday talks
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