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member only project nights, starting March 7 and 21

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Mark Jenkins

Mar 4, 2024, 9:01:14 PM3/4/24
to Announce
I'm going to make a new attempt at doing an ongoing "project night".

Project nights are evenings where members come by to work on their
projects, perhaps with some private guests, but not in an open to the
public manner like Tuesdays.

With 24/7 access, members can of course work on their projects
whenever they want. So why is #project night different from any other

The catalyst of project night is volunteer "project documentarians",
members who come on project night and take the opportunity to
document, with permission, what folks are working on and/or their own
projects. Posts about these things can be relatively brief, even as
simple as a captioned photo or an unedited video.

By choosing to work on your project on project night and by granting
permission to the documentarian, you can give your project greater
visibility which can in turn help boost the image of the hackerspace
to other members and the public.

There could potentially be a virtuous cycle where other members join
in and choose to work their projects on project night, enjoying the
company of a "get things done" environment.

If you're looking to have other members join your project, this kind
of thing can also help.

My commitment to project night is to schedule myself at least twice a
month on Thursdays.

Our Tuesday open houses have been very successful and I'm going to
step back on my Tuesday night appearances. I hope to get more headway
on my Skullspace #it and #hax related projects on a (potentially)
quieter project night.

Additional "project documentarian" volunteer members are welcome.

Project night reports/photos/videos etc will be posted to #projects
channel on our Discord and perhaps also echoed to the discuss@ mailing
list, the irc channel and the website blog time permitting.

Scheduling updates will appear on the skullspace calendar
( and the above channels.

We'll use the announce@ mailing list sometimes when big projects hit
major milestones and when additional "project documentarians"
volunteers become available.

The first two project nights are now on the calendar:
* Thursday March 7
* Thursday March 21st

If a member wants to hold a public event on the same evening as a
scheduled project night, we can always bump a project night with
reasonable notice.

Happy Hacking
Mark Jenkins
project night documentarian

Edwin Amsler

Mar 10, 2024, 9:23:38 PM3/10/24
to, Announce
I’m unfortunately busy on Thursdays but seems like a decent idea!



> On Mar 4, 2024, at 8:01 PM, Mark Jenkins <> wrote:
> I'm going to make a new attempt at doing an ongoing "project night".
> --
> ---
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