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Bitcoin Pizza Day at Skullspace -- Monday May 22, 2023, 5:30pm order, ~6:30pm delivery, RSVP

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Mark Jenkins

May 18, 2023, 11:26:23 AM5/18/23
to Announce
Hey everybody,

Monday night at Skullspace (2nd floor, 374 Donald St.) I'm celebrating
May 22nd as Bitcoin Pizza Day.

This commemorates May 22, 2010 when Laszlo Hanyecz made the first
notable bitcoin transaction for a physical good, pizza!

Monday night I will also pay for a pizza order with bitcoin. Well,
sort of... I'm going to buy an exact value Door Dash voucher through a
solid reseller using bitcoin lightning.

We'll have to see which local pizza vendors on Door Dash are even
available on a holiday Monday!

I'm going to place the order live from the Skullspace lounge around
5:30pm based on the number of advance RSVPs + people who show up at
that time.

Hopefully we'll have pizza within an hour... (6:30pm)

We'll hang and chat while we wait.

I'm asking anyone who partakes in this pizza order to chip in. Come
prepared to pay with CAD cash, pay with bitcoin, or become your own
Lazlo and negotiate your own private deal.

RSVP Options:
* #crypto or #events on our Discord
* #skullspace on IRC network
* email mark AT parit DOT ca
* reach out to me through another private channel already known to you

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