Movie Night [ Aug 18, 2023] Millennium / 12 Monkeys

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Aug 18, 2023, 1:05:07 AM8/18/23
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Join us at SkullSpace this Friday the 18th at 7:30PM or via your favorite media player at

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For the most part Cheryl Ladd ( Dead Before Dawn, Satan's School for Girls ) had an average job for a working woman in 2989.  Travelling a thousand or more years in the past to abduct the victims of mass casualty incidents can get to be a grind and once in a while you are bound to make a mistake.  Meeting a young Kris Kristofferson ( Blade Trinity, Big Top PeeWee ) is one of those little mistakes, the repercussions of which ripple forward in time to cause untold calamity.

Sometimes a story can be told and retold so many times that the details get lost, mistranslated, or omitted in the retelling.  The only way to know the truth is to go back and see for yourself.  The scientists and bureaucrats have assured Bruce Willis ( Hudson Hawk, The Return of Bruno ) that his travelling to the distant past of 1996 is crucial to figuring out why the whole world succumbed to a virus.  Timing can be tricky in 2035, especially with all of this dilapidated tech so it is no wonder that he arrives early and has to bunk with Brad Pitt ( Deadpool 2, Cool World ) at a posh asylum.

7:30PM - Millennium ( )
9:15PM - Intermission
9:30PM - 12 Monkeys ( )

) thor.robinson;
) skullspace/phreshlyspun/icon/skullbasebbs
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