Hello everyone,
Notice is hereby given that the SkullSpace Annual General Meeting[1] has been called for Tuesday February 27, 2024 at 6:00PM CST, to be held at SkullSpace on the 2nd floor of 374 Donald St.
Please read the Bylaws if you have any questions relating to the election, or process for bylaw amendments [2]. Members in good standing are eligible to vote, either in person, or by proxy, on any bylaw proposals, and in the election of a new board of directors. Bylaw proposals must be submitted to the board no later than, uh, today. They will be published in accordance with our bylaws 21 days prior to the vote (i.e. today).
Members in good standing who live in Manitoba have up until the meeting itself to submit their name to run in the board election. The SkullSpace board is made of up to 5 members, elected by the membership.
Please let us know if you'd like to run for the board this year. Ideally we could have everyone introduce themselves before the day arrives. Edwin, Thor, and Michael will all run for re-election.