5th Hax Festival call for speakers Sat May 18th

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Mark Jenkins

Feb 7, 2024, 6:06:02 PMFeb 7
to Announce
Skullspace will celebrate the 2024 edition of our hackerspace festival
Hax 5.0 on
* Friday May 17th
* Saturday May 18th
* Sunday May 19th

As usual, we will have talks, presentations, and speakers in our
classroom on the Saturday morning and afternoon. That portion of the
festival is a free, public, community event.

This is a chance for you or people you know to present to our broad
hackerspace community and many guests in our classroom for 15-45

With multiple speakers all in one day and our marketing engine on fire
for the whole weekend we promise you an audience!

All speakers will be offered an honourium and tickets to our evening

Remote speakers by video conference are welcome.

What are we looking for?

*Anything* that is of interest to a broad hackerspace community.

At Skullspace we say, "hack all the things" and "hack the planet".

So, bring on your crafts, show us your music production tricks, point
your antennas, tell us the secrets of great gameplay and enlighten us
on how to make or repair just about everything.

And of course, we still enjoy classic hacker fare involving computers
and electronics.

We also really love new and diverse voices which helps sustain growth
for our space. Your speaker referrals are gold to us.

(familiar faces welcome too!)

This call out includes people who are *new* to any relevant hobby.
Come tell us about your learning journey so far.

It's amazing what you can learn in the first 20 hours diving into something.

Reply to this call for presentations by private email, mark AT parit DOT ca.

Submissions are encouraged by the end of February so we can
incorporate them in our festival marketing in March.

Happy Hacking,
Mark Jenkins
Hax festival co-chair for presentations
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