Amateur Radio Flea Market, Sunday noon-4pm, 10am setup

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Mark Jenkins

Apr 13, 2024, 12:50:33 PMApr 13
to Announce
Hey folks,

As previously announced on the skullspace calendar and #events discord
channel, tomorrow, Sunday April 14th I'm hosting an amateur radio flea
market at Skullspace (374 Donald), with vendors welcomed at 10am and
buyers at noon. Ends 4pm.

This is a free community building event. I'll do my best to solicit
donations. I've succeeded in creating great buzz in the local ham
community. People are coming.

You don't have to be into amateur radio to enjoy this. If you've ever
wanted to meet hams, get a demonstration or see the gear, come on by.
I don't recommend that unlicensed folks buy transmitters they can't
legally use.

I could use skullspace community folks to help with a few things:
* Loading/unloading assistance
* Greeters, tour guides etc
* Telephone operator
* Bell ringer / enforcer of sales period
* Canteen operator, selling pizza at cost and keeping free coffee
going (I'm bringing the supplies for that, including a percolator).
* Cleanup/dishes

Mark Jenkins
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