Greetings pan-dimensional travelers of all sorts!
Join us at SkullSpace, in Canada, on Earth, in Dimension 1337, at 7:30PM Central for another wacky double-feature movie night. You can always tune your subwave communicators to and watch along if you can't make it to this dimension in time.
First we get cracking with a pun-filled adventure as Lea Thompson ( Jaws 3D, Splinterheads ) finds a trans-dimensional duck in the dank alleyways of Cleve Land. They do their best to get Ed Gale ( Bride of Chucky, Survival Island ) back to his own world, and somehow stop an invasion by horrors from beyond the stars.
Things go from bad to worse in this contractually obligated buddy cop romp! Watch as hard as nails cop Whoopi Goldberg ( Jumpin' Jack Flash, 魔幻帝国2 ) grits her teeth and accepts a role along side a poorly animated talking dinosaur. Pons Maar ( Masters of the Universe, The Blob ) has a thing for cookies, a problem controlling his tail, and a ceaseless personal narration. Only they can get to the bottom of this alarming prehistoric pogrom.
9:20PM - Intermission
) thor.robinson;
) skullspace/phreshlyspun/icon/skullbasebbs
Version: 3.12
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