I'll make this quick!
Everyone is living on borrowed time, and increasingly folks are living with borrowed organs. Jude Law ( eXistenZ, Rage ) and his partner are in the business of collecting on unpaid implants. Business is good until Jude finds himself saddled with his own fake jibblies. Now he has to find a way to get it out before he gets repossessed.
There are never enough minutes in a day. Nobody knows this better than the working poor of the not so distant future. Now that aging is a thing of the past, the new economy runs on lifespan. Justin Timberlake ( The Love Guru, Southland Tales ) is one such blue collar worker living quite literally paycheque to paycheque. A chance meeting with a high roller quickly changes his lot in life, but not quickly enough to save the ones he cares most about.
9:30PM - Intermission
9:45PM - In Time (
https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/49530 )
-- ) thor.robinson;
) skullspace/phreshlyspun/icon/skullbasebbs
Version: 3.12
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