Good day team, I just wanted to reach you to announce the following SKUDONET Community Edition Version 7.1.0, the release date will be next week, we are finishing fixing the latest minor issues, and this new version will include.
-Linux Kernel and operating system updated. We wanted to integrate the SKUDONET packages with the Debian Operating system, to let the users install or adapt the operating system without breaking anything. Supported OS Debian 12.5
-DHCP Support, this new feature is mandatory to be a native cloud Load Balancer, the majority of the IP assignments are managed with DHCP, for example, Azure and AWS work in that way.
-Support of FQDN in the backend configuration, the same as the previous feature, the backend configuration can be pointed to a DNS name instead of an IP because cloud providers can change the backend IP in any reboot. With this property and the previous one, we are creating a Cloud Native solution.
-Improved the 100-continue Header. This header is essential for a simple reverse proxy, many customers requested the possibility of changing the behaviour of the proxy based on this header. Now 4 methods are supported.
-nftables version and dependency issue fixed. We have been maintaining this package and dependencies but Debian 12.5 already maintains those packages, we also will fix some reported issues in Git Hub related to this package.
-New web GUI, the new brand SKUDONET with new colours in the web GUI, now there is only one web GUI, no differences between Enterprise and Community versions. We want to save time in software maintenance.
-Added new farmguardian check_udp_nc, useful for checking UDP backends for VPNs as wireguard among other services.
-Now TLSv1.3 can be enabled or disabled from the HTTP profile.
-Let's Encrypt renewal process improved, some issues have been reported in the renewal process of Host certificates against this Certificate Authority.
-Logs view ordered in reverse mode. We have improved the logs view inside the web GUI to show the recent events first.
-Opensslv3 support for our Reverse Proxy (HTTP/S profile)
And we don't stop here, we will continue improving our Application Delivery solution making the internet a place a little bit safer, what is coming?
-Native support for AWS and Azure, we will work to integrate the community edition in those cloud providers. We search Cloud provider sponsors, if you are a cloud provider and want to offer our Community solution in your marketplace contact us and we will be glad to support it.
-Cluster configuration from the web GUI, we will stop using ucarp and will use Keepalived instead, quite stable and efficient, used currently in the Enterprise Edition. Now the cluster config will be done from the web GUI.
-WAF support, will be a great improvement in SKUDONET 10. our reverse proxy supports ModSecurity v3 and this feature is available in the Enterprise Edition, we will include this feature in the Community as well with a web Editor of seclang (modsecurity).
Please feel free to reply and expose your ideas/concerns, we would love to receive feedback and help from the community.
SKUDONET wants to make the internet a little bit safer! Do you join us?