Ogrezine 2

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Sep 15, 2018, 8:35:55 PM9/15/18
to ogre...@sjgames.com

Ogrezine 2

Whelp. We kinda snuck this one in when no one was looking.

For those of you that are frequenters of our forums or those that simply peruse Kickstarter waaaay too much, you may have come across our latest Kickstarter for Ogre. I am pleased to (belatedly!) announce the campaign for Ogrezine 2 is alive and kicking! We've already blown through our first three stretch goals, bringing Ogrezine 2 up to 11 total articles, plus who knows what else? As before, we will release the articles on our website in a staggered schedule and, once complete, we will collect all of them into a digital magazine for release to all backers. The next stretch goal (destined to fall!) is a print-on-demand collection of both Ogrezine 1 and 2 into one volume in the same manner as our GURPS on Demand via Amazon. We've got 12 more days to get there!

I've got some absolutely fantastic submissions that didn't make it to me in time for Ogrezine 1, but the slate is far from full. I am calling for any and all Ogre article submissions to be sent to me at this time. Scenarios, strategy articles, variants, fiction, game aids - if it relates to Ogre, I want to see it. Previously, I put out a challenge for for someone to send in a scenario using Ogre Playmat M1. M1 is a completely new map, focused on a central city, and it simply begs for scenarios. To date, no one has picked up the gauntlet. Who's up to the challenge? Interested parties can find our Writer's Guidelines here. We are interested in new art as well! Details regarding art submissions may be found in our Artist's Guidelines. Please submit your inquries and/or submission to og...@sjgames.com with [Ogrezine Query] in the subject line.

Speaking of playmats, in addition to Ogrezine 2, we are pleased to announce the initial release of our second Ogre playmat. Our first playmat has been a hit and, just as we've done with Ogrezine, we're going back to the same well. We will release details of this playmat before the campaign is over but I think people will be pleased. Backers may choose a pledge level that includes the new playmat in addition to Ogrezine 2.

But wait! There's more! Backers also have the opportunity to choose other recent Ogre releases as part of their pledge. Missed out on Ogre Playmat M1? Couldn't participate in the Ogre Miniatures, Second Edition Kickstarter because you were abducted by aliens? Well, these are also available as options through different pledge levels. One can never have too much Ogre!

Click on over to the Ogrezine 2 Kickstarter campaign. With a base pledge level of $3, how can you afford not to go?

-- Drew Metzger

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