Wrapping Up 2018

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Dec 28, 2018, 11:40:36 PM12/28/18
to ogre...@sjgames.com

Wrapping Up 2018

As we reach the final hours of 2018, there is much to celebrate regarding Ogre. I will be sending out my State of the Ogre-verse 2019 in the coming weeks, but there are a few notable milestones to acknowledge right off the bat. First, we just concluded the Kickstarter for Battlefields. This was an incredible campaign! Conventional wisdom says you don't run Kickstarters during Christmas due to low participation and competing priorities for discretionary income. Well, apparently Santa is an old Ogre fan, because not only did we show a steady rise every single day of the campaign, we hit the 5th-most funded and 9th-most backed Steve Jackson Games KS campaign of all time! 1,401 fans stepped up to make Battlefields an absolutely amazing expansion of Ogre. Thank you, each and every one of you!

With the conclusion of the Battlefields Kickstarter, I am pleased to annouce that we have fulfilled every Ogre-related stretch goal from the Ogre Designer's Edition Kickstarter. I'll concede the Car Wars new edition is still pending, but as many of you know, we are in the final stages of playtesting that as well. It feels really good to close the book on the ODE campaign. Yes, Nightfall is still in development, and we've added new promises in other Kickstarters (such as hosting a Dopp/Mark VI Kickstarter), but we can truly start looking forward, and not backward, in regards to the Ogre line.

Speaking of looking forward, Ogrezine II is moving along at a nice pace. I am proud to announce that we have just published our 7th article for the issue, titled "A Fire in the Distance". Penned by John-David Karnitz, this piece of fiction examines the concept of what it really means to be a "Brother in Arms". Our own Brandon Moore has added a few amazing images to complement the article. I think you will enjoy this fiction and expect that we will be sharing more in the future from this author; I have another piece already earmarked for (a currently hypothetical) Ogrezine III!

Finally, as we wind down the gift-giving season, we have released a little gift for all Ogre fans. On our Ogre Resources page, we have published PDFs of all of the green map boards released to date. You will find G1-3 and S1-3 available for download. I'd be remiss in not mentioning how I love seeing scenario submissions for Ogrezine (see the hypothetical Ogrezine III above); feel free to use these PDFs to develop your own scenarios - and then send them in to me!

2018 has been a great year for Ogre and 2019 promises to be at least as good. I will see you on the flip side!

-- Drew Metzger

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