FInal Hours For Ogrezine II And More!

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Sep 26, 2018, 9:48:53 PM9/26/18

FInal Hours For Ogrezine II And More!

We are now just shy of 48 hours left of the Ogrezine 2 Kickstarter. The campaign just knocked out another stretch goal by surpassing $15,000 in pledges. Thanks to everyones generosity, now all backers of the $3 reward level or higher will receive free PDFs of maps G1 and G2. Fans with Ogre Sixth Edition and Ogre Reinforcements will now be able to play many of the GEV-map scenarios that were included in Ogre Designer's Edition. In addition, we already have unlocked an expansion to at least 11 articles in this issue as well as a POD version of Ogrezine 1 & 2. I'm confident we will reach our next stretch goal as well, that being a POD collection of all three Ogre Scenario Books for those that prefer physical copies of their Ogre goodness!

Why am I so confident? We have new pledge levels, too! Did you miss out on Ogre Miniatures, Second Edition or the Ogre Many Minis Set that includes Battle Box within it? We have some limited reward tiers that offer each of these Ogre products in addition to Ogrezine 2. They are going quickly, so be sure to check them out before they're gone.

Finally, we have been keeping Ogre Playmat M2 under wraps, but Phil Reed released the details earlier this week. We have created a full-color version of the Iron Mountain map, from the story and scenario of the same name originally published in Space Gamer 12, and more recently found in The Ogre Book. We've posted rough draft images of the map on the Kickstarter page and it looks fantastic. Gabby Ruenes has outdone himself again; wait until you see the final version! Although fans are encouraged to purchase The Ogre Book (there's lots of great stuff in there!), we will be releasing the Iron Mountain story and scenario on our website for free as part of this promotion.

As I write this, there are only 43 hours left in the Ogrezine 2 Kickstarter campaign. A pledge of only $3 giving you Ogrezine 2 and PDFs of maps G1 and G2 is almost criminal. With the new pledge levels and ability to add-on our original Ogre Playmat M1 and the new Iron Mountain Ogre Playmat M2, I feel we will end with a flourish. Perhaps we will even need yet another stretch goal? Time will tell! But click on over to the campaign now, before time runs out!

-- Drew Metzger

(Post #46)

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