Our First Release For Ogrezine II

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Oct 19, 2018, 10:39:44 PM10/19/18
to ogre...@sjgames.com

Our First Release For Ogrezine II

And so it begins anew! We have posted the first article for Ogrezine II on our site. Have you ever wondered where an Ogre might fit in as part of the 'Band of Brothers'? "Artificial Irreverence", by Andrew Mull, is a glimpse into the lives of seasoned veterans and green recruits during the Last War. Once again, the wartime lesson of how shared combat experience matters so much more than race, or religion, or . . . species, is examined.

I'd like to emphasize a call for art submissions to Ogrezine. We have a couple of nice pieces, but I'd like to see so much more. I know you are out there! Please send your artistic views of the Last War to me at og...@sjgames.com. If you have any questions about your submission, you can find our Artist's Guidelines here.

Remember to fill out your surveys for Ogrezine II. We will be locking down quantities on Monday, so make sure you get the playmats you want, ordered. Did you miss out on the campaign? There is still time to pre-order Ogrezine II for $3 (and catch some nice deals on a variety of other Ogre items). You can pre-order playmats M1, M2 (Iron Mountain) and M3 as well as get printed versions of The Ogre Book or GURPS Ogre. Yes, we are printing these again! Just check out the big blue button on the Kickstarter home page.

Stay tuned for the second article to be released next Friday!

-- Drew Metzger

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