Overdue Update

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Mar 22, 2019, 11:06:16 PM3/22/19
to ogre...@sjgames.com

Overdue Update

My how time flies when you've your nose to the grindstone. But no excuses, let's be at the Update!

The finishing touches are being done for both Ogre Scenarios: Books 1-3 and Ogrezine IIOgre Scenarios: Books 1-3 is our POD compilation of the three Ogre Scenario Books, bringing all 30 scenarios together into one printed book. The Ogre Book and GURPS Ogre are already both available in our POD library, and Ogre Scenarios: Books 1-3 will be a worthy addition. Ogrezine II is in its final checks as well. We've got 60 pages of Ogre submissions for everyone to enjoy! Once Ogrezine II is released, we will be hard at developing the Ogrezine I & II POD book to follow. Both Ogre Scenarios: Books 1-3 and Ogrezine II should be released in the very near future.

April 6-7 and FnordCon is rapidly approaching. We have sold out of the T-shirts, and the stock of Silipints is dwindling, too, but there will be swag given out at the event. We anticipate having some new Ogre material available and I plan on roping a bunch of you into helping me playtest a new orange map, logistics permitting! We also are looking at some other Ogre events that I think you will all enjoy, including a miniature painting contest; more to come on that. Plus, there will be playtests of Car Wars, Sixth Edition; Munchkin games including Warhammer 40,000 (& new expansions!) and Steampunk: Girl Genius; our recently released The Fantasy Trip; Illuminati; and more Steve Jackson Games goodies to play. There is still time to join us in Austin. Just click over to the homepage and sign up.

Looking ahead, I'm finally getting some time to dust off all of my Nightfall notes and have (re-)re-started that project. Plus, we apparently promised you a Kickstarter for an Ogre Mark VI & Doppelsoldner . . . I guess we should honor that promise, eh? Seriously, you all are being quite patient and we appreciate it. And of course there is more to come in the wonderful world of Ogre! (Speaking of which, it is never too early to submit material for a hypothetical Ogrezine III. Battlefields will open up all sorts of possibilities for submissions. {Have you seen the pics?} Please see our Writing Guidelines. And art! I really want to see more of that!)

-- Drew Metzger

(Post #63)

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