A Pause In The Shelling

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Sep 22, 2019, 10:54:40 PM9/22/19
to ogre...@sjgames.com

A Pause In The Shelling

A bit of a quiet stretch here, so not too much to update. I'm hoping that will change soon!

Battlefields is out and about, and seemingly well received. Certainly those unfortunate souls that missed out on Ogre Designer's Edition now have some G.E.V. maps to play on, AND those that got ODE now have maps G3 and S3. A win for all around!

Ogre Miniatures Set 3 is moving along. The test shot of the Ogre Mark VI arrived and although it is (correctly) bigger, it came damaged so we cannot yet sign off on the sample. We await a replacement to validate the tooling.

Out of my own curiosity, I asked about Ogre fiction on the forums, seeing as I have had some offers to write longer pieces that what would be inappropriate for Ogrezine. Unsurprisingly, the results were overwhelming positive. There may have been a wee bit of a sampling bias built in . . . ! Nonetheless, it is something I'm (mildly) exploring; there are absolutely no promises here!

Speaking of Ogrezine, submissions have dried up! Are you all so sated with Ogrezine I and II that you have nothing left to offer? Somehow I doubt that. Especially as we've given you all of those beautiful playmats (including our newest, M6 & M7) and have Ogre Miniatures Set 3 coming in the near future. Between Battlefields and these, I have to believe that there are some ideas bubbling that need an outlet. I can't advocate for another issue if you don't provide me the ammunition. Please send submissions to og...@sjgames.com and be sure to review the Writer's Guidelines.

Autumn arrives tomorrow - the weather is simply perfect for Ogre. See you on the battlefield!

-- Drew Metzger

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