One Week Left!

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Jul 29, 2019, 5:23:20 PM7/29/19

One Week Left!

We are in the final week of the campaign for Ogre Miniatures Set 3 featuring the massive Ogre Mark VI and Doppelsoldner. Two weeks down and we are sitting at 90% funded; we just need a little more to push us over! I have faith that we will reach the Command Post and crush it!

To review some questions about the campaign:

  • There are no stretch goals; this is a straight-forward campaign for this mini set. 

  • Related, this is just for black versions of these minis at this time. The cost is heavily weighted to the creation of the molds, and thus the (relatively) high funding goal. Once we have the molds created, it is possible to consider other colors down the road if the interest is there.

  • You can pledge for multiple "perks" if you want more miniatures than what are listed as options.

  • Your card will be charged when you choose your perk.

Finally, I want to face the biggest "complaint-question" head on. As mentioned previously, we are exploring a variety of options re: crowd-funding and fulfillment platforms. There has been a lot of commentary about the choice of Indigogo over Kickstarter, specifically relating to some people's experience of the failure of other Indigogo projects to send what was anticipated. Neither Kickstarter nor Indigogo guarentee that a supporter will receive what they pledge for, going at lengths to specifically state the risk is on the backers. To quote Kickstarter: "Kickstarter is not a part of this contract — the contract is a direct legal agreement between creators and their backers." So, although I understand people may have had poor experiences previously on Indigogo, that is a reflection of the project creator, and not the platform. I certainly have had (far too many!) pledges disappear into a void on Kickstarter due to unscrupulous projects and yet I still continue to back (again, too many!) projects there; this is the risk inherent with crowd-sourcing.

I would like to believe that Steve Jackson Games has demostrated unparalleled transparency in the industry, as well as a track record of meeting our obligations, that stretches back over decades. In backing Ogre Miniatures Set 3, you are entering into an agreement with us, not Indigogo. And if have not had a good experience with us, we want to know about it! It is how we get better. So, support the campaign or not as you wish, but please be clear that the success (or failure) of a campaign is dependent upon the project creator, not the crowd-sourcing platform.

Although I am very willing to discuss this concern with anyone who wishes to do so, please email me directly rather than carrying a public conversation on the forums or in a comments thread, to allow those that are enjoying the campaign the courtesy of the opportunity to do so.

We have one more week to bring these beasts to our tabletops. Now is the time for the final drive on the funding CP! Long live Ogre!

-- Drew Metzger

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