Battlefields Deadline TODAY!

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Feb 22, 2019, 6:52:09 AM2/22/19

Battlefields Deadline TODAY!

Just a reminder that the deadline to complete your BackerKit, adjust your pledge, or put in your pre-order for Battlefields is TODAY. You can order Battlefields, Ogre Playmats M1 through M5, Ogre Miniatures Set 1, Battle Box, black Ogre minatures, Ogre Dice, hardcopies of The Ogre Book and GURPS Ogre, and so much more. To recap, Battlefields is the expansion for Ogre Designer's Edition and Ogre Sixth Edition. It includes:

  • Two double-sided board maps with the "missing" maps G3 and S3. (G1 and S1 are on the reverse)
  • Twelve (12!) sheets of counters, including a Vulcan, Heavy Vulcan Drones, two Ninja, Radar, Heavy Weapon Teams, Engineers, Marines, Light Artillery Drones, and more
  • Iron Mountain units: Armored Trucks and Light Howitzers
  • Counters for the Sponsored Sheet factions: Vatican Guard, Nihon, Sons of Old Nassau and Anarchist Relief Front
  • Terrain overlays, including Water and Beach overlays
  • The latest, most up-to-date rulebook
  • A scenario booklet, with new and updated scenarios
  • Ogre Record cards

If that wasn't enough, you can pre-order The Fantasy Trip too, including the incredible "I Want It All!" level. As previously mentioned, Battlefields will not be sold through retail outlets. This is the way to get this bursting expansion and all of the sheets. But do it today!

In other Ogre news, we've published our second-to-last submission for Ogrezine II. Mack Harrison describes his incredible 3-D Ogre creation, in "Building Your Own Monopolis". He takes us step-by-step through the creation of a variety of 4" terrain hexes, and how these can be easily used to create oversized maps. His creativity and ability to see opportunity in everyday items in wonderful. Plus there are a bunch of photos to showcase his work. I'm fired up to create my own Metzgeropolis!

Have you signed up for FnordCon? No? Well, what are you waiting for? We still have some tickets available. I've got a few Ogre surprises up my sleeve for our very own inaugural convention. A hint about one: You can help me playtest some new Ogre content! And that's not even counting the Car Wars, The Fantasy Trip, Munchkin and more that will be there. I'm pretty sure you don't want to miss this . . . Sign up to be blown away here.

Finally, the Pocket Box campaign just entered its final week. Phil is still dropping more surprises on us, including The Awful Green Things From Outer Space and Boat Wars, but he's got a few new Ogre items to share as well. Check out the campaign and helps us reach these new goals.

-- Drew Metzger

(Post #61)

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