Battlefields Update

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Jan 21, 2019, 11:06:03 PM1/21/19

Battlefields Update

Hey, all!

I'm just passing along a variety of news re: the Battlefields expansion set for Ogre. First, the bad news . . . although surveys have been sent out re: BackerKit, there is a bit of a snafu regarding shipping charges. If you have not responded, please hold off for 48 hours so we can give the BackerKit crew some time to address the concern. If you have responded and are concerned that there is an issue, contact us on the campaign page. We have responded to many already, most of whom are all set. We have also posted an Update giving details, and we will get to the root of the problem ASAP.

On more positive notes, Battlefields successfully completed its premortem and the files have been sent to the factory. (Minor negative note: the Chinese New Year just started, so nothing is happening until mid-February, but we are on schedule!) In the process, we decided to double the dry erase Ogre record cards, so instead of seven cards, Battlefields will contain 14. Happy New Year, indeed! Additonally, we have published the four reskins for sheet "B" of the counters, such as the one found in Nightfall. If you wish to pick up a copy of Nightfall, it is available on W23 and also through BackerKit (but again, please wait 48 hours!). You may notice a surprise or two on the sheets! Just sayin' . . . 

In other Ogre related news, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the return of Ogre in a Pocket Box. G.E.V. and Battlesuit are making their triumphant returns as well in the Pocket Box medium. (I can't wait to get a new Battlesuit copy; I've been plugging along with the old Space Gamer version!) These will be complete reprints of the original editions; other than copyright dates, etc., nothing will have changed. Details may be found in Phil Reed's BGG blog as well as our new webpage dedicated to the return of these iconic games. We have scheduled a Kickstarter January 30 for these, and other, Pocket Box games. Be sure to check it out! (Teaser: some of the Ogre expansion sets are scheduled as stretch goals!)

As a reminder, we are planning a little soiree of our own, called FnordCon, the weekend of April 5-7. Details are still being developed, but I wanted to make sure everyone is aware. We will have Ogre, Munchkin, The Fantasy Trip, and much more available. Plus, I've got a surprise or two tucked up my sleeve! Block off your calendar now, because you will want to be there. I know I'm going!

Expect a new Ogrezine article to be published this Friday. Be well!

-- Drew Metzger

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