Battlefields Crushes The Scene And More

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Dec 8, 2018, 12:26:40 AM12/8/18

Battlefields Crushes The Scene And More

We launched our next Ogre Kickstarter campaign earlier this week and it has been a smashing success. Titled Battlefields, it is the long-awaited expansion set for Ogre that was promised waaaay back in 2012 during the Ogre Designer's Edition Kickstarter. It brings Heavy Weapon Teams, Engineers, Light Artillery Drones, Revetments, Entrenchments and more to the game, as well as 3-D Ninja, a Vulcan, a Fencer-B, Radar Stations, and others onto the table. And don't forget maps G3 and S3, never-before released in this scale. We are pleased to report that Battlefields funded and destroyed the first few stretch goals within hours of its launch. To date, PDFs of the two new maps, six different "skins" for use on the various Nightfall counter sheets, a pair of overlay sheets featuring water and beach overlays, and record cards for each Ogre within the set, have all been unlocked. We are closing in on upgrades for the maps. This is truly an Ogre-sized supplement!

But there is so much more to this Kickstarter. Ogre Playmats M4 and M5 have been released as potential add-ons during the campaign. Designed to geomorph with each other and Ogre Playmats M1 and M3, these maps offer the opportunity to play Ogre on a massive scale. Additionally, our new product called Bullet Dice has been released, allowing players to roll to crush Command Posts in a whole new way. You can pick up many other items for Ogre as well, including softcover reprints of The Ogre Book and GURPS Ogre, both long out-of-print. Don't miss out!

As backers of Ogrezine II are already aware, we published our fifth article for the fanzine on our site yesterday. Titled The Daimyo and the Dragon, author Roland Boshnack offers an interesting alternative to the classic Mark III Defending scenario. Supplementing that release is a wonderful art submission by Rob Goodwin, showcasing a Nihon Empire recruiting poster from the Last War.

Finally, I'd like to point out various sales of Ogre material that are currently underway. First up is the Ogre Video Game sale found on Steam. Through December 11, the Ogre Video Game may be purchased at 50% off. Additionally, Warehouse 23 is running its 2018 Haul-idays Sale, where Ogre products may be purchased at 23% off, with other Steve Jackson Games items up to 75% off. Plus, we will give you extra loot depending on how much you buy. The more you purchase, the more free stuff we send your way! Details may be found on Warehouse 23. The Haul-idays Sale ends December 19.

-- Drew Metzger

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