Fan Ideas For The Win!

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Aug 17, 2018, 10:09:46 AM8/17/18

Fan Ideas For The Win!

I'd like to highlight some interesting ideas and submissions from our fans that have been posted in the various forums around and about. First up is Erik Kreiger's (aka sparky00) images of the Hot Rod Ogre by Alvin Helms, as presented in our inaugural issue of Ogrezine. I'm hopeful to get more skins from Alvin in the future, but Erik certainly did a fine job with this one!

Joshua Megerman (aka offsides) posted details on using the Ogre Video Game's map export function to create homemade overlays. It is an interesting idea, and one that I look forward to seeing examples of the final product (hint, hint!). Other options for home made overlays and maps include both the great "OgreMap2" application by Tom Cornwell (aka tomc) and the PDF of Ogre and GEV map terrain provided on our site. These are all great tools for creating your own scenarios . . . which, of course, are always welcome! Perhaps as a submission for a theoretical Ogrezine 2 . . . ?

Ogre Miniatures Set 2 has been shipping to the various backers of the Kickstarter, depositing literally hundreds of miniatures into gamer's hands the past few weeks. "Cat" on our own SJGames forums provides a link to details on making custom Infantry bases, facilitating swapping squads in and out of the game. He really takes the time to demonstrate via photos and provides additonal suggestions and links. Thanks, Cat! Joshua Megerman also presents a thread where he offers assembly notes for Set 2, including tips for dealing with the challenges of the diminuative Light Tank. Definitely worth a read. Additional miniature tips and resources may be found at the bottom of our Ogre Miniatures page.

As an aside, for those of you who might have missed the Ogre Miniatures Set 1 and Set 2 Kickstarters, we are proud to present Battle Box. This set has all the miniatures from the preceeding two sets, a large full-color poster of map G1, the most up-to-date rulebook published, as well as a variety of other goodies such as record cards, reference sheets, etc. We are accepting preorders on W23 now.

Keeping those record cards and reference sheets usable has always been a challenge for longtime games. Andy Mull (aka TheAmishStig) started a conversation regarding laminating these vital sheets on the forums. For those that have never laminating anything, there is some good advice on the thread.

A blast-from-the-past is the Strategic & Tactical Objectives sheet by Tim Gordon (aka Knockman). Tim is graciously offering individual counters from this set for those that want higher numbers of specific counters without acquiring large numbers of unwanted overlays. You can find the details of his offer in post #175 of this thread.

In other news, our initial release of Ogre Playmat M1 has been sent out to those who ordered one and is receiving positive reviews. So much so, in fact, that we are already planning another run. If you missed out on the first wave, be sure to stop by W23 and place your order for one now.

I'd like to close with still another fan submission that is long-overdue, and offer my sincere apologies along with it. MiBs Christopher Garcia and Neal Bostick created a set of "Ogre Tournament Rules" that they have utilized at conventions and game events. They really work quite well. We took their rules, gave it the Ogre Sixth Edition treatment, and intended to release it in fulfillment of the $65k stretch goal for the Ogre Miniatures Set 2 Kickstarter. Despite being ready for months, I got distracted by Ogre Miniatures, Second Edition and other work, and never actually got the Tournament Rules posted. Well, I have corrected that and you may find a PDF of the rules and scoresheet on the Ogre Resources page. Thanks again to all of you for your patience (and to Jeff Saxton for a timely query!)

-- Drew Metzger

(Post #43)

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