Into The Final Stretch For '23

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Nov 30, 2023, 2:26:05 PM11/30/23

Into The Final Stretch For '23

GURPS Tactical Shooting: Extreme ConditionsOnly a month remains in 2023. That's kind of sad if you're fond of your 23s, though perhaps good news if the year was a rough one and you're looking forward to a better 2024. Here in the Great White North, the end of November marks the beginning of 4-5 months of cold, ice, and snow; I'm hoping for the low end. However it all goes, we'll always have GURPS.

Recent Releases

November shot a hot-loaded GURPS supplement from both barrels:

GURPS Tactical Shooting: Extreme Conditions (November 30, 2023; PDF)
GURPS Tactical Shooting: Extreme Conditions (November 30, 2023; Paperback)

If you think that realism and guns are two great tastes that taste great together, you'll know that firearms aren't magical wands of death – partly because drilling holes in people isn't instantly fatal, but mostly because so many factors make shooting tricky: heat and cold, humidity and actual precipitation, wind, sand, poor visibility, and more. Endless misfortunes can happen as a result, from frustrating misses to catastrophic equipment failures. Underground, at sea, in the air, or out into space, the list of woes grows long indeed. This expansion for GURPS Tactical Shooting lets you go into depth on all this in your games, discussing the problems, defining them in rules terms, and providing solutions in the form of new perks, techniques, and gear. The long list of inspiring examples from the big and small screens is pretty sweet, too.

Upcoming Plans

What's to come, mostly in 2024? Bang goes my shotgun, blasting hints and clues everywhere. The extreme conditions of the past year mean my precision is about as good as that of an Imperial Stormtrooper, but at least I'm pointing the boomstick in the right direction. I think.

  • GURPS Template Toolkit: Spirits, by Rory Fansler, is still in editing.
  • GURPS Infinite Worlds: Atlantropa, by Joshua Kilburn, entered playtesting.
  • Paul Stefko sent back the revised first draft of GURPS Loadouts: Starship Crew, which is queued for playtesting.
  • The first drafts of GURPS Meta-Tech (by Christopher Rice) and GURPS Monster Hunters Adventure: The Face of Fire (by J. Edward Tremlett and Christopher Rice) got their editorial reviews and are with their authors for revisions.
  • I wrote two short Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game adventures. No ETA on those yet.

There are 11 Sekrit Projekts on the books, too. For now, I cannot say more about those. I might relent in the GURPS thread in my blog, updated on Fridays.

Join Us! Join Us!

We're trying to publish more support more quickly, so despite the newest publication and several projects in the pipeline being fairly rules-heavy ("crunchy"), we're seeking rules-light ("fluffy") content that's quicker to review, playtest, and edit. Another thing we've learned shortens turnaround times is working only with writers who've clearly absorbed our Freelancer FAQ, Submission Guidelines, GURPS formatting guide, and GURPS WYSIWYG template, and who respect the Warehouse 23 Digital Wish List (updated November 19, 2023) and Warehouse 23 Wish List for GURPS (updated November 10, 2023). Could that be you?

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