That's in a manner of speaking, what with the month ending on a weekend and all. There was little downtime during March for those of us who work on GURPS, though. We were busy with items for the rest of 2024, and even planning the 2025 schedule. So, what does that mean?
After some struggles to keep it in print, we've finally made every possible printed version of both volumes of the GURPS Basic Set, Fourth Edition available via GURPS on Demand. You want B&W? We have it. Prefer color? That, too. Softcover or hardcover? We have you, um, covered.
If my dodgy html and css skills have served me well, you should see convenient links to all of this stuff to your right. (How things look on the Amazon site when you click through is beyond my control!)
Most of our work was on upcoming titles for 2024 and 2025. I cannot promise exact dates – or even a general publication order – because too much could happen to make us shuffle them around. We continue to work toward a firm schedule for GURPS, however, so that might change.
Beyond all that are 14 Sekrit Projekts, including 3 new contracts this month. As these are either at the very start of the creative process or temporarily on hold, I'm not cleared to talk about them . . . yet. To keep tabs on those, check in here at the end of each month, or read the GURPS thread in my blog every Friday.
With everything above, 2024 and 2025 are looking settled. We prefer not to plan too far ahead; the answer to "What do we want for 2026?" will depend on "What sold well in 2024 and 2025?" Thus, we may temporarily take down the Warehouse 23 Digital Wish List (updated November 10, 2023) and Warehouse 23 Wish List for GURPS (updated November 10, 2023). Then again, maybe we won't. If you feel like taking a risk on something on those pages, please review our Freelancer FAQ, Submission Guidelines, GURPS formatting guide, and GURPS WYSIWYG template before sending a query.