Summer Heat

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Jun 29, 2023, 4:00:28 PM6/29/23

Summer Heat

GURPS Fantasy Folk: Goblins and Hobgoblins Less the heat of the summer sun and more that of forest fires: Your loyal GURPS Line Editor has spent much of the past month barely able to see up his street owing to the smoke. It also makes breathing, well, interesting. Anybody want to write GURPS Disasters: Forest Fire? Yet work goes on.

Recent Releases

For instance, there's a new GURPS supplement:

GURPS Fantasy Folk: Goblins and Hobgoblins (June 29, 2023; PDF)

"Goblin" means many things to many people. If you're an old-school gamer, it refers to a nasty little monster that lives in dungeons, sets traps, and attacks in hordes. If you're really old school, it suggests a supernatural creature related to faeries and bogeymen. Novels and games offer many other interpretations, too – including those found in GURPS Banestorm and GURPS Goblins. This goblin guidebook includes all of these and more, providing traits and racial templates for each type, along with signature professional templates, martial arts, gear, and mounts.

Upcoming Plans

What's next? I'm happy to provide hints! Please remember that while my guesses are educated, they are guesses . . . I cannot guarantee that titles won't change, or that factors beyond anyone's control (say, fires) won't radically change a project's status without warning.

Behind the scenes, one final draft is in editing, one first draft is being revised, four items are being written, and five more are barely out of the concept stage. I hear there are some contracts afoot, too. For various reasons, I cannot spill the beans on any of this just yet. Curious? If I do drop clues, it'll be in the GURPS thread in my blog, updated every Friday when I can breathe.

The Path Of Cunning
Longtime GURPS fans and contributors Roger Bell_West and John Dallman have published issue #4 of The Path of Cunning. Do you miss Pyramid? Download this free GURPS zine to get your fix!

Join Us! Join Us!

Want to write for us? We're still looking for rules-light ("fluffy") rather than rules-heavy ("crunchy") material, we're still asking everyone to stick to the Warehouse 23 Digital Wish List (updated November 3, 2022) and Warehouse 23 Wish List for GURPS (updated November 3, 2022), and we're still favoring queries that demonstrate a strong grasp of our Submission Guidelines, GURPS formatting guide, and GURPS WYSIWYG template. We cannot promise quick turnarounds on query letters and proposals, but yes, we are assessing them.

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