March Of Progress

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Mar 31, 2022, 2:25:28 PM3/31/22

March Of Progress

The title isn't entirely punny – a lot happened this month. Promises were kept. Old things finally saw the light of day. Work on new content progressed. At any rate, it sure felt like a forced march at times (okay, that was mostly a pun).

Recent Releases

March saw the last of the GURPS 2020 PDF Challenge goodies and the first of the GURPS 2021 PDF Challenge items turn up on Warehouse 23, as well as a new tome for the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game.

GURPS Horror: Beyond the Pale (March 3, 2022; PDF)GURPS Horror: Beyond the PaleGURPS Dungeon Fantasy 21: Megadungeons

Horror adventures are arguably among the hardest to write, because a good one combines all the subtlety of a mystery with one or both of supernatural elements similar to fantasy and adrenaline-charged moments right out of the action genre. You could say it's an art. This adventure for GURPS Horror is all about the art. Saying more than that would be a monstrous spoiler.

GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 21: Megadungeons (March 10, 2022; PDF)

Back in the good (?) old days of hack 'n' slash fantasy gaming, many a campaign wasn't about dungeons, plural, but the dungeon, singular: a subterranean realm with dozens, maybe hundreds of levels, encompassing countless chambers ranging from closets to entire underground cities. This supplement brings that style of play to GURPS Dungeon Fantasy, offering thoughts on rethinking magic and character-point awards to better support such a game, along with advice and (of course!) tables for creating and stocking memorable megadungeons.

Dungeon Fantasy Companion 3 (March 23, 2022; PDF and softback)Dungeon Fantasy Companion 3GURPS Action 8: Twists

Speaking of dungeons . . . Like much found in the depths, Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game support sometimes takes considerable delving to find. However, that quest is over when it comes to the material published in Pyramid – here's everything from the nine issues that supported the game, leveled up with better art, text lightly revised to reflect developments over the intervening years, and an improved layout that reformats the print version to match the game's other books. This is no hasty compilation! A unified table of contents, an index, and new intros link professions, monsters, traps, advice for both players and GMs, and six ready-to-use adventures into a solid read.

GURPS Action 8: Twists (March 31, 2022; PDF)

Unlike its heroes when they get behind the wheel, GURPS Action tends to stay in its lane. Just like them, though, adventures can veer off in . . . unexpected directions. This short guide looks at three such angles that turn up in the movies: the social (money, jobs, and social status), the exotic (be it mad science, aliens, or the outright supernatural), and the wild outdoors (without the fast cars and fancy gadgets).

Everything Old Is New Again Department
With all we had going on, we didn't re-release anything via GURPS on Demand or DriveThruRPG. I can assure you that will change in April. In the meantime, why not complete your collection?

Upcoming Plans

Life was just as busy behind the scenes. Here's my not-at-all-official report on that. These are hints and clues only! None of it – not even the titles – is a promise (although the information on the pages behind the links is reliable enough).

  • The Girl Genius Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game hardback remains in transit. Smart money is on April, but we'll see.
  • Both GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Denizens: Thieves (Christopher R. Rice) and GURPS Vehicles: Biremes and Triremes (Carolyn Stein & Stephen Kenneth Stein) still need editing. They are queued – not forgotten.
  • GURPS Fantasy Folk: Goblins and Hobgoblins and GURPS Fantasy Folk: Kobolds, both by Phil Masters, have moved into concurrent peer review.
  • We are preparing to playtest GURPS Template Toolkit: Spirits, by Rory Fansler. Want to get involved? Here is the call for playtesters!
  • Thanks to the two previous points, GURPS Fantasy Folk: Winged Folk, by Anders Starmark, has moved into the next playtest slot.
  • The first draft of GURPS Renaissance Venice: Merchants of Venice, by Matt Riggsby, has had its editorial review and thus gets the next peer-review slot.
  • The most recent GURPS Loadouts installment awaits revision by author Paul Stefko, in preparation for playtesting.
  • The first draft of GURPS Infinite Worlds: The Atom Skerry, by Matt Wehmeier, just arrived and is awaiting editorial review.

Depending on how you count, up to eight other projects I know of and in some cases have read are at stages where it would unwise to say more at this time. The GURPS thread in my blog, which I strive to update Fridays, is by far the best place to look for leaks related to those . . . not to mention breaking news regarding the bullet points listed above.

FnordCon 5
This isn't March news, but a look ahead at April: FnordCon 5 will run from April 29 to May 1. Yes, live in Austin. Click for registration and hotel info. I cannot be there, but friend and fellow Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game master Douglas Cole of Gaming Ballistic will represent . . . so, see if you can make it!

Join Us! Join Us!

We've managed to get a few products out the door and unstick our playtests, but there's still a delay in reviewing first drafts and editing final ones. Thus, dealing with query letters and proposals remains a low priority for us – sorry. Were I a freelancer, I'd keep my eye on the Warehouse 23 Digital Wish List (updated February 11, 2022) and Warehouse 23 Wish List for GURPS (updated February 11, 2022), and maybe refresh my knowledge of the Submission Guidelines, GURPS formatting guide, and GURPS WYSIWYG template. Thanks in advance for understanding!

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