Good Riddance, Tax Season!

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Apr 30, 2024, 11:57:38 AMApr 30

Good Riddance, Tax Season!

GURPS Infinite Worlds: AtlantropaThat's what I always think as April comes to a close. Leave it to governments to spoil a perfectly lovely beginning of spring with bureaucratic drudgery . . . Here, have a flower: 🌷. Or, if you prefer, have a report on what happened in the world of GURPS over the past month.

Recent Releases

April saw a new GURPS supplement sprout up:

GURPS Infinite Worlds: Atlantropa (April 25, 2024; PDF)

Damming up the Mediterranean to get a quarter-million square miles of land and enough hydroelectricity to light up everything on and around it might sound like science fiction, yet it was actually proposed in 1928. It never came to pass, but that was because it was deemed economically, politically, and technologically overambitious, even dangerous – not impossible. This GURPS Infinite Worlds setting presents Atlantropa-1, a timeline where the will to take on the challenge and the drive to develop the necessary knowhow overcame caution. That doesn't mean the concerns and misgivings were unfounded . . . while the results were impressive, they came at the price of tense geopolitics, social upheaval, and significant climatic and ecological damage. That's part of what makes this world of megastructures, spy vs. spy, and divergent tech perfect for adventure!

Upcoming Plans

We continued to pursue our 2024 and 2025 plans. I can now suggest at least months of publication for things close to the present. All of our hard work to develop a firm GURPS schedule is starting to pay off.

  • I edited Christopher Rice's GURPS Meta-Tech and submitted it to production. If all goes well, expect that in June.
  • GURPS Fantasy Folk: The Reptilian Races, by Phil Masters, is in the final stages of production and has approved art. Look for it in August.
  • The last few short items I wrote – the second of two Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game adventures, and two How to Be a GURPS GM volumes – are not on the schedule yet, but are in good shape to be dropped in if openings appear.
  • GURPS Loadouts: Starship Crew, by Paul Stefko, moved into playtesting.
  • Next up for playtesting is GURPS Monster Hunters Adventure: The Face of Fire, by J. Edward Tremlett and Christopher Rice. There's still time to get involved – here's the call for playtesters.
  • I reviewed the first draft of GURPS Magical Styles: Traditional Styles, by Phil Masters. It's now with him for very minor revisions before it goes to eventual playtesting.

There are now 17 Sekrit Projekts – projects so early in the development process, or facing such serious challenges, that I don't dare discuss them yet – including 2 that we contracted this month. Hints about these may show up here on the last workday of each month, or even in the GURPS thread in my blog, updated Friday mornings.

Join Us! Join Us!

We haven't taken down the Warehouse 23 Digital Wish List (updated November 10, 2023) and Warehouse 23 Wish List for GURPS (updated November 10, 2023) because we're still settling 2025 and might need gap-fillers. However, smart money is on us temporarily pausing the submissions process soon-ish. If you want to gamble on us saying "yes" to a proposal to write something on those pages, please take the time to read our Freelancer FAQ, Submission Guidelines, GURPS formatting guide, and GURPS WYSIWYG template first. Thank you!

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