You Can't Spell "October" Without "Boo"

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Oct 31, 2022, 12:28:58 PM10/31/22

You Can't Spell "October" Without "Boo"

GURPS Vehicles: War GalleysJust don't ask me what to do with the leftover c, e, r, and t (it's a good start on "certifiable"). However, if you're anything like me – you know, certifiable – the last day of October is your favorite. You'll be invested in what's new for GURPS, too.

Recent Releases

This month saw one new GURPS-related item, refreshingly unrelated to pumpkins and zombies:

GURPS Vehicles: War Galleys (October 20, 2022; PDF)

From TL1 through TL4, ships were the pinnacle of transportation technology – and then as now, the military-minded saw tech's leading edge as its bleeding edge. There were certainly inland powers far from the nearest coast, but anyone building a genuine empire – political or economic – had to contend with rivers, lakes, and seas. And throughout this period, there was no better way to move around troops or goods than with a fleet of oared warships. This supplement takes you from the mouth of the Mediterranean to the shores of East Asia, with stats, deck plans, crew templates, and other "crunch," plus a boatload of background information and adventure seeds.

Everything Old Is New Again Department
October saw many efforts to bring things to print come to fruition. As hinted at last month, we made GURPS Combat Cards printable on demand at DriveThruRPG. In keeping with the Halloween theme, we also brought GURPS Monster Hunters 1: Champions, GURPS Monster Hunters 2: The Mission, and GURPS Monster Hunters 3: The Enemy to GURPS on Demand.

Upcoming Plans

Work continues on all-new content and on reanimating past hits in new forms. It's hard to make promises – global events continue to be scarier than any Halloween spook, making our job harder – but I can at least hint at what's coming.

I must veil six further projects from the living for now – though I can confirm real movement on at least three of them this month. For hints regarding these and all GURPS works in progress, visit the GURPS thread in my blog, updated Fridays.

Nightmare Fuel
As I write this, there's still about a week left to support Nightmare Fuel, the latest from our friends at Gaming Ballistic. In keeping with the Halloween season, these three bestiaries bring you all the snakes, bugs, and killer plants you could want (for your games . . . you probably don't want them under your bed at night).

Join Us! Join Us!

As the attentive reader has doubtless noticed, things are moving faster than they were for most of 2022. Does this mean it's a good time to submit a query letter or proposal? I'm reluctant to say. If you're willing to take the risk, be sure that you're on top of our Submission Guidelines, the GURPS formatting guide, and the GURPS WYSIWYG template. To learn what we're looking for, check out the Warehouse 23 Digital Wish List (updated February 11, 2022) and Warehouse 23 Wish List for GURPS (updated May 2, 2022) . . . the fact that we haven't felt the need to update those recently speaks for itself. Thanks in advance!

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