The Month Formerly Known As "Quintilis"

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Jul 28, 2022, 3:40:10 PM7/28/22

The Month Formerly Known As "Quintilis"

I've always liked July, probably because (1) it's warm where I live, and (2) it's my birth month. This July proved to be quite busy . . . behind the scenes. Which is to say, the GURPS news I can report is a small portion of the total.

Recent Releases

July saw three of the remaining GURPS 2021 PDF Challenge offerings hit Warehouse 23.


GURPS Encounters: The Mysterious Airfield GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 22: Gates GURPS Action Adventure 1: Templar's Gold


GURPS Encounters: The Mysterious Airfield (July 1, 2022; PDF)

A game can never have enough ready-to-use real estate. In this case, the real estate has been used more than a few times. Welcome to Venus Field Air Force Base: aircraft boneyard . . . and much more. In the interest of saving a few surprises for GMs to spring on players, that's all you get. But yes, there are surprises, suited to any genre of campaign set in the time period from WWII to present. And yes, there are maps.

GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 22: Gates (July 14, 2022; PDF)

Doorways to other times, places, and worlds have been a part of dungeon-crawling fantasy from the beginning. However, they pose a lot of tricky questions for GMs. This Dungeon Fantasy supplement aims to provide solutions to these problems – practical, supernatural, and meta-game. It also primes the pump with three sample destinations for portals, in case one pops up and you have no earthly idea where it should lead.

GURPS Action Adventure 1: Templar's Gold (July 28, 2022; PDF)

The present doesn't have a lock on Action. Welcome to Paris, 1919: your starting point in a hunt for Templar treasure that'll pull you into the devastated and dangerous Red Zone. To learn more, play the adventure – but rest assured that there will be secrets, fights, chases, and explosions. This is two-fisted pulp at its finest!

Everything Old Is New Again Department
Looking for content you can hold in your hand? Check out GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Adventure 1: Mirror of the Fire Demon via GURPS on Demand!

Upcoming Plans

Progress on shiny new things rather than reprints or rereleases continues to be slow but steady. As I've been saying for a couple of months – and will say for a month or two more – nothing has been lost to time. We're simply doing the best we can with what we have.

Beyond those are eight other projects – including the four that are causing the long editorial delays – which I cannot talk about that this time. But you never know! Check out the GURPS thread in my blog on Fridays, just in case.

Join Us! Join Us!

As all of the above should make clear, it's a gamble to send in GURPS proposals right now. On one hand, we did sign a contract as recently as last month. On the other . . . well, you can see for yourself. I'd recommend really getting know the Submission Guidelines, GURPS formatting guide, and GURPS WYSIWYG template, as well as the Warehouse 23 Digital Wish List (updated February 11, 2022) and Warehouse 23 Wish List for GURPS (updated May 2, 2022). That way, you'll have a better shot at one of the few slots we have open and you'll be prepared when the logjam breaks.

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