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Exhibition and Dec. minimum day on 12/12

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Dec 4, 2024, 6:25:31 PM12/4/24

Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians,

  • December minimum day is on 12/12 (not tomorrow!)
  • Exhibition is on 12/12 (5:30pm - 7:00pm)
  • Finals are on 12/18 and 12/19 (a Wed and Thu with 12:30 release)
  • No school on 12/20 (Fri) through 1/6 (Mon)

December minimum day is on 12/12 (not tomorrow!)

This has been on the calendar all year, but I want to draw your attention to it since it's different from the  norm.  We chose December 12th since it's the same day as Exhibition and will give families an opportunity to get home and situated before Exhibition.

Exhibition is on 12/12 (5:30 - 7:00)

Exhibition is a must-attend event at SET and is an opportunity for our students to showcase their work.  The evening is mandatory for students and highly recommend for families and extended families.  I love to see the pride with which our students showcase their learning.  All of our parents should see this for themselves!

More details about parking, etc. will be shared when I send out the reminder for the event next week.  For now, just know that you should plan on spending about 30 minutes at school sometime between the hours of 5:30 and 7:00.  Parking can be a pain so probably best to not try to show up at 6:30 because you might miss the whole event!

Finals are on 12/18 and 12/19 (a Wed and Thu with 12:30 release)

We're nearing the end of our second semester.  Now that we have moved up the start date of school to the beginning of August, our 2nd semester ends before the winter break.  Moving the start of the school year has been painful for the last few years, but getting to finish the semester at a natural break is the main benefit.

Note that the finals are on Wed and Thu so that we can have Fri off to make travelling a little easier (and cheaper!) for those who are flying out of town.

No school on 12/20 (Fri) through 1/6 (Mon)

Enjoy the 2 week and 2 day break!  We get an extra two days this year!


Thanks everyone!

Dr. McCurdy


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