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School starts on Mon (8/12)! Orientation is on Thu (8/8) at 5:00 PM

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Aug 5, 2024, 8:25:18 PM8/5/24

Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians,

We just had our first day back with the full SET Staff today and it was awesome!  Our staff is well rested and excited to make this year even better than the last.  The positive energy, can-do, and will-do attitudes from our staff are always inspiring!

I'll have more to update you on before our orientation based on our staff meetings throughout this week, but I want to make sure that I get the information about orientation out to you now so that you can plan your week.

Orientation is a must-attend event, but there are three ways to attend:

  1. Attend in person at SET High on Thursday (8/8) at 5PM
  2. Attend virtually through Zoom here:
    • This link (as well as all other meeting details like this for future events) is on our calendar:
    • In case it's not clear, the Zoom meeting will also be on Thursday at 5PM
  3. If you can't attend in person and are ok with not being able to ask questions live, we will record the Zoom event and email it out later

There is no advantage to attending in person other than to see our smiley faces and to maybe help new students reduce some of the new-school jitters.

If attending in person, the underground parking garage accessible from our driveway is ours, so please do park down there.  I don't anticipate a need for overflow parking given the hybrid nature of this meeting, but in the event that our lot does fill up, know that overflow parking options will be limited because of the construction.

The admin staff will be attending in person, but most of the other staff will be attending virtually.  We had connectivity issues last year, so it was super helpful to have some of our staff be online with the virtual attendees.  Fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly this year!


Thanks everyone!  We'll be communicating at least once more prior to orientation.  Enjoy your final week of vacation!

Dr. McCurdy


P.S. We have families eagerly waiting on the waiting list for a spot to open up at SET, so if you have made an alternate school choice for next year, please let us know as soon as possible.  You can just reply to this email.  We'll be sad to see you go, but at least we'll be able to alleviate the stress of a family who is in limbo.

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