COVID-19 Case, Ms. Hines in the news

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Oct 26, 2021, 10:45:11 PM10/26/21

Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians,

  • COVID-19 case on campus today with a small group of close contacts
  • Ms. Hines in the Union Tribune!

COVID-19 case on campus today with a small group of close contacts

We had a really good stretch there for a while, but today we had a reminder that COVID-19 is still out there.  We were fortunate to catch the case early and are thankful that we have the test kits on campus so that we could isolate the individual before more close contacts occurred.  If you were not contacted directly by us, no one in your family was considered to be a close contact and no further action is required.  We do ask that everyone continue to be vigilant and be super aware of any cold or flu-like symptoms.  Please report everything to us and let us make the decision about whether it is safe for you to be on campus.  It is really easy for us to do COVID tests, so please do not feel like you are bothering us.  We would rather know about everything so that we can make the best decision to keep the whole community safe.  This is a good time for me to share the most recent decision tree that we use to make decisions about COVID-19 exposures.  We're always happy to explain your particular situation, but if you prefer to be self-sufficient, here is the decision tree.

Since 90% of the close contacts were vaccinated, we are hopeful that this will be a one-off case similar to the last one that we had back on September 10th.  We will keep you updated if there is any concern about wider exposure.  In the meantime, students, please continue to be vigilant with your masking and social distancing.  Your adherence to our COVID-19 protocols is what is keeping us all safe and I am very proud of how all of you have handled the pandemic thus far.  Keep up the great work!

Ms. Hines in the Union Tribune!

Ms. Hines, our counselor,  had a featured op-ed in the Union Tribune a couple of weeks ago.  I kept forgetting to include this in my email, but was reminded again when she was interviewed on KPBS this morning.  Her story is amazing!  I especially appreciate that she expressly wrote this piece to thank those who helped her navigate a tough childhood.  We are so lucky to have her on staff.  Here is her story:


Thanks everyone!  Good luck on finals tomorrow!

Dr. McCurdy

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