Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians,
Students have registration windows based on seniority. Our 12th Graders will have two days to sign up for courses starting on Friday at 1:00 PM. 11th Graders start on Tuesday, 10th Graders on Wednesday, and 9th Graders on Thursday. All windows will start after lunch on the assigned day. We give the 12th graders two days to sign up for courses in case we discover scheduling conflicts that we need to resolve before everyone else signs up. We did a lot of work this semester to have Core Competency pre-schedule students to make sure that we knew ahead of time if there were any conflicts. The core classes (including Spanish) remain locked in for our 9th and 10th graders since there's only one schedule that works for most of them and we need to make sure that our students are on track for graduation. Our 11th and 12th graders have some options for their core classes, so we undid the pre-scheduling for them to allow for student choice.
The master schedule for Spring is now live and can be found here, but really you should be following the instructions in the links above and only looking at the classes that are available for you based on your current grade level and the pre-reqs that you have completed. You do this by clicking on the View Options link on your CoreCompetency dashboard (see the instructions in the links).
Know that popular classes fill up quickly, so you should be looking at the master schedule (that link above, or Reports|Master Schedule) throughout the week to make sure that the classes that you want are not already full. You'll be able to add yourself to a waitlist, but if you are deep on the waitlist, it's not likely that you will get the class. You will also want to sign up as early as possible in your scheduling window so that you can beat out everyone else who is in your grade. Students who pay attention to emails like this and are on the ball always seem to get the classes that they need or want. I wonder why. :)
Finally, there are some classes that are fixed -- your math class, for example. The math classes mostly stayed the same, but in some cases the whole math class had to switch periods in order to accommodate other classes. There are also some situations where individual students had to move into a different period for math based on their scheduling needs.
Your advisors are available to help you if you are new and/or confused. Just about any staff member (including me) will be able to help if your advisor is busy for some reason. Ask early, though, so that you know what you should be doing before your scheduling window starts.
Finally, please pay attention to the scheduling error messages. Those are now accurate. In years past there were a lot of extraneous messages for some students, but we've worked to make the errors actually relevant now so that people stop ignoring them. If you see an error, you should work with your advisor to try to resolve it. The error messages are tied to your particular grad plan, too, so you should click on your grad plan so that you can understand what classes need to be completed in the future. There's a link to your grad plan on the Core dashboard.
Oh, do not leave periods blank if you are thinking that you will TA , work on a Passion Project, or take a Mesa College class. Those options all need to be pre-approved so you should be choosing Pre-Approved Other for each of the relevant periods. You'll notice that Pre-Approved Other isn't an option until you get pre-approved. So request pre-approval! Just click on the request button next to the class. If it's getting close to your scheduling window and your request hasn't been approved, remind the appropriate staff member to approve it. Note that once the class has been approved, it will move over into the Allowed Options section for the period.
Thanks, everyone!
Dr. McCurdy