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Implications of SDUSD cell phone ban on SET, new Nicky and me podcast, and updates

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Jun 29, 2024, 2:24:33 PM6/29/24

Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians:

I knew that that subject would get your attention!

  • New Nicky and Me podcast: Should we ban cell phones?
  • Yearbook plea
  • Summer improvements to SET

New Nicky and Me podcast: Should we ban cell phones?

Ms. Geis and I have our very first conversation about the impact of the cell phone ban in LA Unified schools and the possible ban being proposed for San Diego Unified schools.  If you want to hear how we grapple with these complicated decisions, we do it live on-air in Episode 4 of Nicky and Me.  The podcasts can now be found on the SET High website under What's New.  The direct link is here:  

Note that we are independent from San Diego Unified so their policies influence us but do not mandate things for us.

If you have strong feelings about this topic, listen to the full podcast first, and then let us know your thoughts.  I can't do justice to 45 minutes of nuanced conversation by summarizing it here, so please listen to the full discussion before expressing strong views.  We'll be deciding on the changes (if any) that we'll make to our cell phone policy as a staff and board once we're all back together in August.

Yearbook plea

This is the last call to have students help with the yearbook.  We have all of the photos and we have the software.  Ms Farias volunteered to help students do the yearbook; not do it herself.  If students want a yearbook this year, this is the last opportunity to make it happen.  Students, please reach out Ms. Farias if you are serious about helping.  It is a lot of work, and I know that students are busy with summer travel and work, so don't feel guilty if you can't do it or don't want to do it.  Just know that those of us who are still working this summer have a million things to do to prepare for next year, so without substantial student involvement the yearbook will not happen.

We're pretty confident that there are students who will want to be involved with yearbook next year, and the ASB president ran on a platform of ensuring that there would be a yearbook, so this shouldn't be a problem going forward.  We'd all love to see a yearbook this year as well, though, so hopefully some students will volunteer to step up.

Summer improvements to SET

  • The bonus money that we received thanks to the whole SET community's commitment to attendance is being put to work (96% attendance this year up from 91% last year!).  There is a construction project under way to completely revamp the Multimedia Room.  The impact reaches beyond just the Multimedia Room, though, because the wall of windows that turns the room into a fishbowl has the secondary effect of making the school feel much more open.  We just ordered the furniture for the room.  I can't wait to see it finished!  Angelique has played a big role in the design of the room and will be helping to finish it once the construction is complete, so be sure to thank her for the beautiful new space!

  • There will likely be another major change happening downstairs assuming the quote and the timing all work out.  I'll hold off on announcing that change until we're absolutely sure that it will happen.

  • A lot of cleaning and maintenance has also been happening so we should be able to start the school year clutter-free.

  • I've been making behind-the-scenes improvements to CoreCompetency that will have the ultimate effect of making it easier to maintain and less susceptible to failures.  It could be a little flakey until I get the kinks worked out though, so please be patient with it if you have a need to connect for any reason.


I hope you are all having a wonderful summer!  I'll communicate again in the beginning of August as we finalize plans for orientation (it will be virtual again) and the first days of school (Aug 12th!).  This will probably be my last email that includes our departing students.  Congratulations Seniors!  Stay in touch!  Remember that the official on-campus summer hours are 9AM to 1PM, so if you are picking up diplomas or just coming for a visit, make sure you come during those hours.

Dr. McCurdy


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