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Report Cards on Core and Attendance Reward!

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Jan 11, 2025, 1:55:30 PMJan 11

Dear Student, Parents, and Guardians,

  • Report cards on CoreCompentency
  • 97.65% ADA for Fall Term, reward arriving Monday!
  • Winter Formal next Friday (1/17, 7PM-11PM) at Marina Village
  • The benefits of the fresh start of the Spring Term at SET

Report cards are on CoreCompetency

The report cards for the first semester of the Fall term can be found on the CoreCompetency dashboard.

The report card is in the top left box on the dashboard. You can't miss it.  The dashboard can be found here:

97.65% ADA for Fall Term, reward arriving Monday!

I certified our attendance over the break at 97.65%.  This is huge and translates to a lot of extra money for the school.  Thank you to the parents for reporting absences on Core, the students for attending school virtually when you can't make it in, and the staff for doing all of the extra work to complete and sign off on the Independent Study contracts that allow us to use virtual attendance as actual attendance.  In case I haven't said it enough, schools only get paid when students are in attendance so reporting attendance, limiting your absences to the 10 days of virtual that we give you, and actually doing and turning in work on the days that you are absent (if you are able to), makes a huge difference in the amount of money that the school has for student supplies, equipment, and services.  The actual date that matters for attendance certification is at the end of next semester so we still have the potential to go up or down, but I wanted to give everyone a token reward now for being on the right track.  The reward is something that students have been asking for for a long time that is supposed to arrive sometime on Monday.  Look for a big package delivery from Amazon on Monday!

There's no reason that we shouldn't be able to get close to 100% attendance in the future if all absences are reported on Core and we try to limit virtual attendance to 10 days.  See how you're doing personally by looking at the Attendance panel on the CoreCompetency dashboard.

Winter Formal next Friday (1/17, 7PM-11PM) at Marina Village

We found out yesterday that at least one student is withholding information about Winter Formal from their parents.  So here are the details in case you need them.  :)

Location: Marina Village Conference Center (Bayview Room), 1936 Quivira Way

Food: Raising Canes, dessert table and vegetarian options

Doors close at 8PM and students will not be able to leave early without parent permission until 10PM

Please try to arrange a ride for your student as close to 11PM as possible because we can't leave until the last student is picked up.  Hoping to not spent the night there on Friday!

The benefits of the fresh start of the Spring Term at SET

One of the most difficult and frustrating things for us as a staff at SET is the extra work we put into basically starting the whole school year a second time each Spring with all new classes and all new schedules.  It's a huge amount of work and we have to remind ourselves every November and December that the struggle will be worth it.   And it is!  I can't imagine how stale a school year would get by May if we all kept doing the same thing all year long.  There's a freshness and vibrancy that we all feel with the new start in January.  I am definitely feeling it this year because I'm loving being back in the classroom with my Computer Science class after taking a hiatus from teaching for the first time in 20 years during the Fall term.  The students and staff all seem to have an extra bounce in their step this week!


I hope everyone had a wonderful break.  It's great to have everyone back!

Dr. McCurdy

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