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Graduation video posted, report cards end of week

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Jun 18, 2024, 3:19:39 PM6/18/24

Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians,

  • Graduation Video!  Congrats class of 2024!
  • Report cards published on Saturday on CoreCompetency
  • Transcripts and Diplomas available on Monday
  • 2024/25 Calendar is on Parent Portal

Graduation Video!  Congrats class of 2024!

Thanks to Austin C. for recording the video of the graduation.  The video is in two parts on YouTube so make sure you look at both if you're looking for something specific:

We'll send a link to graduation photos to the seniors when we have them uploaded.  Thank you Ms. Strahm!

Report cards published on Saturday on CoreCompetency

Grades are due from the staff on Thursday this year since tomorrow is Juneteenth.  We should have grades stored and published by Saturday.  You'll see the report cards on the Core dashboard.

Transcripts and Diplomas available on Monday

Our summer hours are 9AM to 1PM most days throughout the summer.  You might want to send a chat to Ms. Heath before you come in case we're not here or in case there has been an issue with printing transcripts.  Powerschool decided to force a major update over the weekend, and we're still trying to figure out the new interface.  Note that we are closed tomorrow in observance of Juneteenth.

2024/25 Calendar is on Parent Portal

Here is a direct link to the calendar, but know that you can find it on the Parent Portal if you're looking for it in the future.  We'll update the Google Calendar by next week.


Have a great summer everyone!  We miss you already!

Dr. McCurdy

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