Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians,
This is a reminder about tonight's exhibition. Note that this exhibition is a gallery walk so you do not need to be there exactly at 5:30. Your student will be your guide and once you have seen all of the classes, enjoyed some of the common activities (like the Battlebots tournament), eaten some pizza, and talked to friends, you are welcome to leave. 30 to 45 minutes is a reasonable expectation for the amount of time that you will spend at school, so as long as you are here a little before 6:30, you should be fine. Please try to avoid using our neighbors' parking lots. There is a really good restaurant (Boujiemana) in the building next to ours, though, so if you get some pre-exhibition appetizers there, you'll have an excuse to park in their lot! Parking at Cabrillo Heights park or in the neighborhood on the other side of Cabrillo Heights is a good option to just completely avoid the traffic. We still have another year or so of this construction so please bear with us while we all endure it!
Please remember that events like these are designed to be student centric with the student explaining their work. The teachers are happy to chit chat, but the student should be the one doing most of the talking. If you have questions or concerns about grades or assignments, please schedule a meeting via email with the teacher for an alternate time. We want to make sure that everyone gets an opportunity to chat with our staff.
Looking forward to seeing you tonight!
Dr. McCurdy