Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians,
I'm writing this email alone and quickly to make sure that we give enough of a reminder notice about this Thursday's exhibition. I'll try to give as much information about the final weeks of school as I can, but I may have to send a correction email once others read the email. For sure, though, the information about exhibition is correct!
Please join us to celebrate the academic success of our students at our Spring Exhibition. The pride that our students show in their work and in their school at exhibition always brings joy to my heart. Parents, please do everything you can to be there to support your student. As a parent of teenagers myself, I'm always surprised by the extra energy and extra details that are on display during exhibitions. You think you know what your child is learning and doing in school (especially if you're the principal!), but I'm always surprised and delighted!
It's an early release day on Thursday in case families need to get home to regroup before coming to exhibition. We will have staff on campus all day in case it's easier to have your student stay at school until you arrive in the evening.
The SET PA is planning to bring food so arrive hungry!
Parking can be a pain, especially with the construction. We will try to secure parking at Rady's again (the neighbors to our right when looking at the front of the school from the cul-de-sac). Assume that you can park there unless I send out an email later in the week giving you other options.
We're almost there! The final week of school has two half days (release @ 12:30) on the Wed and Thu for finals followed by an off-site school day (9AM to 12 PM) on the Friday down at Balboa Park for graduation. All staff will be at graduation so if you will not be coming to graduation, stay home that day!
All are welcome and encouraged to attend graduation. Our graduations are a hallmark of our school and the comment that I receive most often from Senior parents is that they wish they had known about the graduations before the senior year because they never truly realized how much our staff care about our students until they saw the love at graduation. Why don't you advertise them more, they ask? I do every year, and I am, so come! :)
Thank you so much for Teacher Appreciation Week. That was a crazy week for us with everything that we managed to cram in: State Testing, Senior Camping Trip, College Day, LCAP meetings, Board Meeting, Junior trip to Knotts Berry Farm, and New Parent Orientation! We were super thankful to not have to worry about food that week and to feel the love and support of the parents. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I happened to be sick that week as well and was barely hanging on, so I apologize for not sending out a thank you email immediately. We have the best parents ever!
We think we know of the families that will not be returning next year, but sometimes there are last minute moves out of San Diego that surprise everyone. If you have not already told us, please let us know your plans so that we can let families off of the waitlist as soon as possible. It looks like we are going to have some spaces available in next year's 10th grade class so if you know of any families who are thinking about switching schools, send them our way. We love our current families and would prefer to bring in your friends and neighbors if we can!
Looking forward to seeing everyone at Exhibition on Thursday!
Dr. McCurdy