Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians,
We don't have official results, yet, but both English and Math CAASPP scores went up significantly this year. Thank you so much, Juniors, for doing your part for SET. The future students of SET thank you!
We purchased a Honda Odyssey on Monday thanks to a $30K donation from the SET PA and $5K from the extra revenue earned because of this year's outstanding attendance. The SET PA has been amazing this year. The students and staff can't thank you enough for your dedication to the school and for the fundraising that helps make the school run more smoothly. We'll now be able to get our athletes to practices and games more easily and school field trips will be a little easier to manage.
We currently have a former student who is an amazing artist helping us design the wrap for the van. She has painted some of our most beautiful murals, so we can't wait to see what she does with the van.
Join the SET PA live at our local restaurant, Bougiemana (right next to SET), or on zoom here:
Unfortunately our yearbook committee had some issues getting the yearbook finished in time for the end of the school year, but we are committed to still having a yearbook. We will have a team working on it next week and into the summer and hope to have something available by mid summer. I know that this is not ideal, but hopefully the shock of not having a yearbook will ensure that we have strong yearbook commitment from our students for years to come. Producing a yearbook is a huge amount of work, but it is made lighter when there are a good number of students working on it. Six to ten is probably the right number. I can tell you that in years past that the successful publishing of the yearbook has come down each time to the herculean effort of one or two students. It would be so much less stressful if we could have it be a true team effort. Let's make that happen next year!
Students, let's please not look to assign blame for this, and instead use this as a learning opportunity to help avoid problems such as these in the future. Your offer to help over the next couple of weeks will go a long way to help produce a quality product. Ms. Farias has offered to step in to help get the yearbook published, so please contact her if you would like to help. Thank you Ms. Farias!
Finals for 1st and 2nd are on Wed, and finals for 3rd, 4th, and 5th are Thursday.
All seniors should attend graduation rehearsal. We'll start promptly at 12:35.
Remember that Friday is still a school day and we encourage all students to come celebrate our seniors. It's always a beautiful ceremony at a beautiful venue: Spreckel's Organ Pavilion 2125 Pan American E Rd, San Diego, CA 92101
Thank you everyone!
Dr. McCurdy