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Mandatory annual notifications and other updates

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Nov 1, 2024, 5:20:16 PM11/1/24

Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians,

  • Minimum Day (Thu, 11/7, release at 1:25 PM)
  • Veterans Day (11/11)
  • Board Meeting (5pm, 11/13)
  • It's Boba Time Fundraiser (11/14, all day)
  • Boujiemana parking lot courtesy
  • Mandatory annual notifications

It's Boba Time Fundraiser (11/14, all day)

The Guatemala Spring Break trip is organizing a series of fundraisers.  The first is at It's Boba Time on 11/14.  I assume we'll eventually get a flyer to tell us how to order, but for now just save the date!

Boujiemana parking lot courtesy

We have been getting some complaints from our neighbors at Boujiemana about our families parking in their lot.  We love the restaurant and highly recommend them.  Please don't make them hate us!  I know that parking is a pain right now with the construction, but remember that on non-evening-event days, we have plenty of parking down in our garage.

Mandatory annual notifications

There are a series of mandatory annual notifications that we have to send out to our parents.  The San Diego County Office of Education helpfully compiled all of these into a single document that we could edit.  We'll send these out with all of the orientation documents in the future now that we have the notifications organized, but I'm including them here this year so that we can be in compliance.  You can find them here.  Happy reading!


Have a great weekend!

Dr. McCurdy

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