Spirit Dog Training Reviews

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26. nov. 2023, 14.20.4526.11.2023
til Spirit Dog Training Reviews
Spirit Dog Training Reviews: Comprehensive Breakdown and Verdict
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Are you searching for a comprehensive and effective dog training program to help you build a strong bond with your furry friend? Look no further! Spirit Dog Training offers a variety of online courses and resources, focusing on positive reinforcement techniques and addressing various behavioral issues. Don’t just take our word for it - check out some Spirit Dog Training reviews to see what other pet owners have experienced.

Fixing Your Dog's Behavior Key Takeaways
  • SpiritDog Training is a highly rated, comprehensive online dog training program offering engaging courses for novice and experienced owners.

  • Real user reviews praise knowledgeable trainers, helpful customer support, positive reinforcement-based methodology and flexible self-paced learning with lifetime access to bundle packages.

  • Compared to other programs such as K9 Training Institute, Dunbar Training Academy & Brain Training For Dogs. SpiritDog offers unique features & advantages at affordable prices with money back guarantee.

Exploring the Spirit Dog Training Experience

Illustration of a professional dog trainer using positive reinforcement techniques

Spirit Dog Training is a celebrated program that provides online dog training courses, compatible with mobile devices, across various training categories. Developed by professional dog trainer Steffi Trott, SpiritDog Training offers a range of courses from basic obedience to puppy raising, catering to both novice and experienced dog owners alike. SpiritDog Training aims to enrich the experience for both dogs and their owners with engaging online training courses.

The training videos provided by SpiritDog Training cover a range of training techniques to address various scenarios, including:

  • Basic Obedience online training

  • Puppy raising

  • Trick training

  • More complex behavioral issues such as separation anxiety and aggression

As a result, SpiritDog Training has garnered an impressive 4.5-star rating which is one of the highest in the industry.  You can check out their free online training course here.

Comprehensive Analysis of SpiritDog Training Programs

Illustration of a dog participating in a reactive behavior training session

SpiritDog Training offers a diverse range of courses, addressing specific behavioral issues for dog owners. Their online courses are designed to cater to dogs of all ages, breeds, and sizes, as the training methods are tailored to each dog’s individual needs.

SpiritDog Training guarantees customer satisfaction, offering a 100% money-back assurance.

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Mastering Basic Commands

The Mastering Basic Commands course provides an in-depth exploration of essential obedience skills, potty training, and crate training for dogs of all ages and breeds.

For those with younger dogs, the Ultimate Puppy Bundle includes:

  • Over 70 lessons

  • Bonuses

  • An ebook

  • Personal support

Contrarily, the Basic Training course concentrates on manners and basic obedience including leash walking and attention commands. For new puppy parents, the Potty Training course is available for just $9.

Specialized Courses for Reactive Dogs

The Specialized Courses for Reactive Dogs aim to tackle reactivity issues, helping dogs, including your reactive dog, to become courteous and calm in public settings. The Spiritdogs reactive dog course comprises clear, manageable steps and offers valuable advice for managing reactivity in various real-life scenarios.

Another noteworthy offering from SpiritDog Training is the Loose Leash Walking Bundle, which provides dog owners with the necessary tools to train their dogs to walk on a leash without pulling.

Tailored Training for Rescue Dogs

SpiritDog Training caters to the unique needs of rescue dogs with specialized courses that include guidance on basic obedience, crate training, and managing reactive behavior.

The Rescue Dog Bundle comprises courses on:

  • Basic obedience

  • Crate training

  • Focusing in public

  • Correcting reactive behavior

The Confidence Booster course is specifically designed to help dogs that have experienced trauma or are feeling anxious and stressed, providing exercises and training to build their confidence and help them overcome fear.

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Real User Reviews: What Dog Owners Are Saying

Photo of a happy dog with its owner after spirit dog training

Numerous dog owners have shared favorable results from Spirit Dog Training’s online dog training. Customers have provided positive feedback regarding the knowledgeable trainers and their ability to effectively communicate concepts. Additionally, the courses have been successful in addressing various dog behavior issues, including reactivity and obedience.

In one review, a customer who took the course on November 12, 2022, found the lessons to be beneficial, concise, and straightforward to apply to everyday life. They also appreciated SpiritDog Training’s customer support, which effectively addressed unique issues and clarified course material.

The Effectiveness of Online Dog Training Courses

The effectiveness of online dog training is on par with one-on-one training. SpiritDog Training’s mobile compatibility provides users with the convenience of accessing training materials and videos while on the move, enabling them to keep up with their dynamic and busy lifestyles. With a variety of courses to choose from, SpiritDog Training offers a flexible and personalized approach to dog training.

Moreover, SpiritDog Training offers lifetime access to their online courses, ensuring that you can continue to learn and progress at your own pace. This flexibility allows dog owners to balance their work, life, and education commitments while still effectively training their dogs.

Join the FREE 7-Day course - 100% FREE, No Contracts, Just Pure Fun and Learning

The SpiritDog Training Methodology

Illustration of a dog responding to positive reinforcement during training

The SpiritDog Training methodology promotes positive reinforcement, employing treats and praise to encourage desirable behaviors and foster a strong bond between dog and owner. SpiritDog Training exclusively utilizes positive reinforcement methods, focusing on finding the right treats and addressing treat refusal that may be related to stress.

SpiritDog Training employs a distinctive method combining counterconditioning and sniffing, which addresses the source of your dog’s behavior and encourages calmness, relaxation, and focus. This approach benefits both the dog and the owner by promoting a positive and enjoyable learning experience.

Success Stories: Transformations Achieved with SpiritDog Training

SpiritDog Training has accomplished numerous transformations in fields like:

  • Reactivity

  • Obedience training

  • Coping with aggression

  • Coping with separation anxiety

Their listening bundle eBook is also available to provide additional support and guidance for dog owners.

Customers have expressed appreciation for Spirit Dog Training’s effectiveness in enhancing their dog’s behavior and relationships. These success stories showcase the transformative results achieved through the program and provide inspiration for dog owners seeking to improve their pets’ behavior.

Pricing and Value for Money

SpiritDog Training offers the following:

  • A free 7-day course

  • A 60-day money-back assurance on courses or bundles

  • Bundle packages tailored to include related courses, providing excellent value for money

For example, the Perfect Obedience Bundle is priced at just $49.

Each course in bundle packages offers lifetime access, ensuring that customers receive excellent value for their investment. With affordable pricing and a money-back guarantee, SpiritDog Training appeals to dog owners seeking comprehensive and effective training solutions without spending a fortune.

Join the FREE 7-Day course - 100% FREE, No Contracts, Just Pure Fun and Learning

The Convenience of Learning at Your Own Pace

In dog training, self-paced learning offers several benefits:

  • Flexible scheduling

  • Customized instruction

  • Enhanced concentration

  • Setting one’s own pace

  • Minimal distractions

SpiritDog Training facilitates self-paced learning through their online courses, which consist of videos that demonstrate the progression of training, allowing learners to progress at their own pace with each online course.

This flexibility allows dog owners to balance their work, life, and education commitments while still effectively training their dogs. Moreover, the suggested training period for individual courses in SpiritDog Training is just 10 minutes per day to achieve the most effective results.

Support and Resources Provided by SpiritDog Training

Photo of a dog owner participating in a spirit dog training video lesson

SpiritDog Training provides the following resources and support for dog owners:

  • Video lessons

  • Tutorials

  • Email support

  • Social media community for additional guidance and engagement with other dog owners

This support network ensures that students have access to the information and assistance they need to succeed in their dog training journey.

In addition, SpiritDog courses offer unlimited feedback from a professional trainer, allowing students to ask any questions they may have and receive tailored guidance. This level of support and resources sets SpiritDog Training apart from other online dog training programs.

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SpiritDog Training Versus Other Online Programs

Each training program, including:

possesses unique features and advantages when compared to other online dog training programs.

K9 Training Institute

K9 Training Institute offers diverse courses for various dog breeds, ages, and behavior, emphasizing positive reinforcement and clear communication. Their extensive backgrounds and expertise of the trainers, easy-to-follow courses, and comprehensive curriculum make them stand out from other online dog training programs.

Dunbar Training Academy

Dunbar Training Academy offers training courses for various types of dog owners. Their methods are based on science and incredibly friendly to dogs. They focus on gentle and effective techniques and understanding dogs’ needs, ensuring a successful and enjoyable dog training experience.

Brain Training For Dogs

Brain Training For Dogs offers a unique approach to dog training, focusing on mental stimulation and problem-solving exercises to improve overall behavior and obedience. The program is structured like a school, with exercises and puzzles that become increasingly difficult as you progress, promoting cognitive development and intelligence in dogs.


In conclusion, SpiritDog Training offers a comprehensive and effective approach to dog training. With a wide range of online courses, positive reinforcement techniques, and strong support resources, SpiritDog Training is an excellent choice for dog owners seeking to improve their pets’ behavior and build a lasting bond. Whether you have a reactive dog, a rescue dog, or simply want to teach your furry friend basic obedience, SpiritDog Training has a course suited to your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the highest rated dog training certification?

The highest rated dog training certification is the Certified Pet Dog Trainer (CPDT) from the Certification Council For Pet Dog Trainers (CCPDT). The CCPDT is renowned for their rigorous exams and high professional distinction that thousands of dog training professionals maintain.

Is it worth sending your dog to training?

Given the risks of not following up with necessary training commitments and practices at home, sending your dog to board and train may not be worth it. Therefore, careful consideration and further research is important before proceeding with this option.

Is dog bootcamp a good idea?

Dog bootcamp can be a beneficial way to accelerate your dog's education, provided you choose the right facility and trainer. It is not recommended for dogs with fear or anxiety, as they need familiarity and known environments to feel comfortable. Aggressive issues should be addressed through in-home training sessions.

What types of courses does SpiritDog Training offer?

SpiritDog Training offers courses in basic obedience, reactive dog training and tailored rescue dog training.

How does SpiritDog Training's methodology compare to other online dog training programs?

SpiritDog Training stands out among other online dog training programs by utilizing positive reinforcement and addressing the root of the canine's behavior, providing effective and long-lasting results.

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