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Matthew Wallenhorst

Sep 21, 2022, 5:34:21 PM9/21/22

Triple A Raffle

·       "Triple A Raffle Begins September 22.  Be sure to check your email on Thursday, September 22 when you will receive your unique link so you can begin selling your raffle tickets by sharing the link with family and friends.  Every student needs to sell 20 tickets! Be sure to thank everyone who makes a purchase in your name! LOTS OF INCENTIVES SO BE SURE TO READ THE EMAIL!

Spanish NHS

·       Attention students in Spanish 3 and above! The honor society meets community period B this year and we’d love to have you join! See Mrs Quinn in room 214 to pick up an application. Applications are due Friday, October 7 (late submissions are not accepted).

World Cup Soccer Tournament

·       Interested in winning a LINE HOPPER pass for the caf for the rest of the school year????  Sign up for our 3v3 soccer tournament that takes place next week!  Fliers around the school contain all the information you'll need!  Sign up here: https://forms.gle/6jEDeoeuXXffUxHA6


·       FCA will meet outside again this week on the back Palisins patio at 7:30 am. Our guest speaker will be Asst. Dean of Men Shahid will be our guest speaker.   The ladies of St Joseph had to postpone their visit until September 29th.  We will Pray for Stuff and enjoy breakfast together.

Faith Friday

·       Join us for Faith Friday discussion led by student ministers in the Kahl Boardroom on Friday, Sept. 24th starting at noon. Pizza will be provided and good discussion is sure to be had! Questions, see Mrs. Foster in the Campus Ministry office!

Matt Wallenhorst '05
Dean of Student Life and Culture
St. Edward High School

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