Saiku (Pentaho plugin) - excel export data truncated and empty extra columns

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May 2, 2017, 2:44:20 AM5/2/17
to Saiku Dev
Hello all,
I'm testing Saiku-3.14-SNAPSHOT build from github and i found some bugs related to data format.

- datasource : Quadrant Analysis
- Measures: Actual and Budget
- Rows: Departament and Position

1. I added Rows -> Totals -> All -> Sum and after data render two new empty columns apears:

Actual Grand Total
Grand Total

On Export XLS the generated file contains this two empty columns and last cells truncated and covered by some info about totals and Bla :)
See attach:

saiku-export - grandTotals.xlsx
saiku - grandTotals.png

2. Same configuration with "Hide parents" unchecked, result in a corect table and excel but without totals.
See atach:

saiku-export - grandTotals - noHideParents.xlsx
saiku - grandTotals - noHideParents.png

A good Day,
saiku-export - grandTotals.xlsx
saiku - grandTotals.png
saiku-export - grandTotals - noHideParents.xlsx
saiku - grandTotals - noHideParents.png

John Kilin

May 6, 2017, 12:51:26 AM5/6/17
to Saiku Dev
In The Saiku Plugin 3.14 release do not work export to Excel.
The same problem with Bla, Bla ...
Example query:
SET [~ROWS_Region_Region] AS
SET [~ROWS_Department_Department] AS
    {[Department].[Finance], [Department].[Human Resource]}
SET [~ROWS_Positions_Positions] AS
NON EMPTY {[Measures].[Actual]} ON COLUMNS,
NON EMPTY NonEmptyCrossJoin([~ROWS_Region_Region], NonEmptyCrossJoin([~ROWS_Department_Department], [~ROWS_Positions_Positions])) ON ROWS
FROM [Quadrant Analysis]


May 8, 2017, 2:38:42 PM5/8/17
to, Saiku Dev

I just tested Saiku plugin with last week source code from github, and:

1. Now it hides the empty columns.
2. Export XLS. It shows all data, but we still see the "Bla" cells. About this, i think i figure it out why this is happening. This "Bla" is a substring from "Blank", but it looks weird because it was never meant to appear without an aggregated function selected. This is still a bug.

Blender Alevert

May 8, 2017, 3:04:40 PM5/8/17
to Gosvami, Saiku Dev
I managed to not render the box with aggregate by commented the lines who generate this in /saiku-core/saiku-service/src/main/java/org/saiku/service/util/export/excel/ (function addTotalsSummary) and now the data is not truncated and that box not rendered, but i saw another bug (with or without modification): if i have multilevel subtotals, this data, after first group, overlap other cells. I think somewher is a -1. I'll test tommorow.


May 8, 2017, 3:28:26 PM5/8/17
to Blender Alevert, Saiku Dev

Indeed, but i was looking for a more "graceful" solution. I was trying to find when colScanTotals and rowScanTotals  are > 0 (function addTotalsSummary), and why without selecting an aggregate function, it's still showing up the measure type cells at the end of the spreadsheet.

And yes, meanwhile, i'll comment those lines :)


Ps. Perhaps you can do an example with this overlapping cells so more people can replicate it.

George Alexandru Dudău

May 9, 2017, 9:23:27 AM5/9/17
to Saiku Dev,
I attach a file with grand total for dimensions: Department and Positiions. Look from row 47

George Alexandru Dudău

May 10, 2017, 7:01:04 AM5/10/17
to Saiku Dev,

In addTotalsSummary rowIndex do not care about subtotals;
In that exceel file we have (without totals) 148 rows + 1 header rows = 149 and

int rowIndex = startingRow + rowsetBody.length + 2; // Lines offset after data, in order to add summary

startingRow = 1 in this case
rowsetBody.length = 149
rowsetBody.length + 2 = 151

If i add subtotals the rowsetBody must be biger, but remains the same, so

addTotalsSummary box will be over data.

Temporary i disabled
addTotalsSummary by commenting addTotalsSummary(lastHeaderRow); where in this case
lastHeaderRow = 1


May 10, 2017, 12:05:08 PM5/10/17
to Saiku Dev

For now i decided to disable subtotals and totals in the excel export function (like it was in Saiku 3.8).

To accomplish this, i comment only this line in

comment line 117
//scanRowAndColumnAggregations(table.getRowTotalsLists(), rowScanTotals, table.getColTotalsLists(), colScanTotals);

In this way, my data won't get truncated or overlap, and i get rid of the "Bla" rows. Expect no aggregations. Any.

I don't like this, and it isn't a solution, but for now, my users will get all of their data in their excels.
I still don't know where to look to fix this, if i do, i'll let you know.


John Kilin

May 11, 2017, 10:03:32 AM5/11/17
to Saiku Dev
As a more light solution to the problem i can offer to add lines to the
  public TotalsListsBuilder(Measure[] selectedMeasures, TotalAggregator[] aggrTempl, CellSet cellSet,
                            AxisInfo totalsAxisInfo, AxisInfo dataAxisInfo, ThinQuery thinQuery) throws Exception {

    for (int i = 0; i < aggrTempl.length - 1; i++)
      if (aggrTempl[i] instanceof BlankAggregator) aggrTempl[i]= null;

    this.thinQuery = thinQuery;

среда, 10 мая 2017 г., 20:05:08 UTC+4 пользователь Gosvami Zuniga написал:


May 12, 2017, 3:00:34 PM5/12/17
to John Kilin, Saiku Dev

Hi John,

I test your solution. 

I used the same query that George Alexandru Dudău proposed as a test for this.
Quadrant Analysis "...grand total for dimensions: Department and Positions"

In fact it's better, because it keeps subtotals, totals, don't overlap data and it hides the aggregation rows when they're blank.
But it keeps truncating some info at the end.

I add rowScanTotals to calculate the rowIndex in addTotalsSummary().
Now it won't truncate data.

In Summary, we need to modified 2 files.
+ import org.saiku.service.olap.totals.aggregators.BlankAggregator;
public TotalsListsBuilder(Measure[] selectedMeasures, TotalAggregator[] aggrTempl, CellSet cellSet,
                            AxisInfo totalsAxisInfo, AxisInfo dataAxisInfo, ThinQuery thinQuery) throws Exception {

+    for (int i = 0; i < aggrTempl.length - 1; i++)
+     if (aggrTempl[i] instanceof BlankAggregator) aggrTempl[i]= null;

this.thinQuery = thinQuery;
private void addTotalsSummary(int startingRow) {
-     int rowIndex = startingRow + rowsetBody.length + 2; // Lines offset after data, in order to add summary
+     int rowIndex = startingRow + rowsetBody.length + rowScanTotals.size() + 2; // Lines offset after data, in order to add summary



I hope this changes are enough to solve this thread. They do as far as i test them.

Dec 15, 2017, 7:28:32 AM12/15/17
to Saiku Dev,
Hi John,

 Is there a way to fix this issue without modifying the java code.

I am using the saiku plugin in pentaho 7,1, where all the java codes are bundled as jar.
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