Updating a parameter in a batch of processes - sample code?

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Aug 13, 2013, 12:12:04 PM8/13/13
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com
I have > 100 processes that were initialised with an incorrect parameter value. To avoid manually opening each of them and adding a Computed parameter with the correct value, I'm hoping it's possible to create a process to do this using the RunMyProcess API. Is there any sample code available that implements the equivalent of:

for each process P returned by process report A do
set P.Computed.param = Y
end do

Gareth Thiveux

Aug 13, 2013, 2:29:32 PM8/13/13
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com
Hi Tom,

There's no code to perform that, you'll need to design a process to do the job.
I'll design a draft version of the process you would need on my side and share with you some screenshots of it to help you design yours.
I'll try to find a slot tomorrow to do that.


Pre-Sales Consultant / Consultant Avant-Vente
 Fujitsu RunMyProcess
22 rue Chauchat, 75009 Paris - France (GMT+1)


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2013/8/13 <tom....@mycit.ie>

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Gareth Thiveux

Aug 19, 2013, 12:09:24 PM8/19/13
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com
Hi Tom,

Sorry for late reply, here's the process you need :
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First box will list and store in an array all the IDs of the instances you want to update.
Second box will loop on this array and call a subprocess to update each instance.

1) Start event
a. Output variables
Please find below the output variables (and their values) you should create on the start event of the process.
  • current : 0
  • end : false
  • list_instance_ids : []
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2) List processes instances box
This box is a loop on a Connector.
The connector you need is the "Get anything (xml output V1)", that you can find in the connector library, under the "RunMyProcess - Secured Connection" provider.
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The loop has to be configured as a While loop, with end="false" as its condition.
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a. Input variables
The only input variable is rmp_url, and it should contain the URL of your process report containing all the instances you want to update.
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To retrieve the URL of your report, open your process report within the portal, and click on the RSS feed icon :
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Then copy the URL of the page that has just opened, without the https://live.runmyprocess.com/
Finally, in the URL, replace (1) nb=20 by nb=100 and (2) first=0 by first=${current}
Here you have your rmp_url value.
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b. Output variables
You've got 3 output variables here :
  • current ${current?number+100}
  • list_instance_ids :
<#assign tmp=list_instance_ids>
<#if P_result.feed.entry?exists>
<#if P_result.feed.entry?is_sequence>
<#list P_result.feed.entry as x>
<#assign tmp=tmp+["${x.id}"]>
<#assign tmp=tmp+["${P_result.feed.entry.id}"]>
  • end :
<#if P_result.feed.entry?exists>false<#else>true</#if>
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3) Update instances box
This box is a loop on a Subprocess.
The subprocess you will have to create and plug here is the one shown below. We'll come back to it later on.
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The loop has to be configured as a Multi-instance sequential loop, with ${list_instance_ids} as its array.
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a. Input variables
  • current_instance ${list_instance_ids[P_index]}
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b. Subprocess
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3.1) Get instance details connector box
This box is a Connector.
The connector you need is the "Get details of a process instance", that you can find in the connector library, under the "RunMyProcess - Secured Connection" provider.
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a. Input variables
  • P_customer : ${P_customer}
  • request_id : ${current_instance}
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b. Output variables
  • computed : ${P_result.feed.entry[1].content.P_value}
  • execution_path : ${P_result.feed.entry[3].content.P_value}
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3.2) Update instance connector box
The connector you need is the "Modify process request instance", that you can find in the connector library, under the "RunMyProcess - Secured Connection" provider.
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a. Input variables
  • comment : You can put the comment you want (it's just like the comment you type in when you restart a process)
  • P_customer : ${P_customer}
  • computed : ${computed}
  • computed.the_name_of_the_variable_you_want_to_update : the updated value of your variable
  • computed${encrypt('BASE64',computed)}
  • execution_path : ${execution_path}
  • request_id : ${request_id}
  • state : 102
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That's all !
Hope that's clear enough


Pre-Sales Consultant / Consultant Avant-Vente
 Fujitsu RunMyProcess
22 rue Chauchat, 75009 Paris - France (GMT+1)


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2013/8/13 Gareth Thiveux <gthi...@runmyprocess.com>


Aug 26, 2013, 3:02:17 PM8/26/13
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com
Thanks Gareth, it's a very comprehensive response!
I've implemented this to test stage and have two issues:

1) the RSS feed URL of the process report causes a failure - it contains some pipe characters (|) which Jave doesn't like. When I replaced each of these by %7C the problem was resolved.

2) after running the update process on a number of real processes, I checked the Revisions screen for each. The comment text in the most recent revision is garbled binary - it's not the text I supplied to the Update Process Instance RMP API call. I'm concerned that if the comment text is corrupt/wrongly encoded that other attributes of the process state may be similarly affected by the update. Is there a simple explanation for the unreadable comment text or is there any way to verify the integrity of process state after update?

Gareth Thiveux

Aug 27, 2013, 4:37:53 AM8/27/13
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com
Hi Tom,

My mistake, as specified in the description of the "Modify process request instance" connector, the comment variable also has to be base64 encoded :
Parameters :
comment : comment to be added to relaunch method in base64 (function encrypt)
computed : all computed parameter in base64 (function encrypt) - ${P_result.feed.entry[1].content.P_value} on Get process request instance
execution_path : not encoded - ${P_result.feed.entry[3].content.P_value} on Get process request instance
state : 102 (keep as current) - 103 (waiting for resume)


Pre-Sales Consultant / Consultant Avant-Vente
 Fujitsu RunMyProcess
22 rue Chauchat, 75009 Paris - France (GMT+1)


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2013/8/26 <tom....@mycit.ie>
Fujitsu - RunMyProcess
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Aug 28, 2013, 4:54:25 AM8/28/13
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com
That's all worked perfectly. Many thanks
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