Get an access token for SDM API error

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Yuntong Guo

Nov 2, 2023, 12:58:40 AM11/2/23
to RunMyProcess Developer Forum
I'm following the documentation and trying to get the access token by this command:
curl -L -X POST ''
However, I received the error message"411. That’s an error.
POST requests require a Content-length header. That’s all we know."
Can anyone help me fix it?

Tomas Kolacek

Nov 6, 2023, 4:17:05 AM11/6/23
to RunMyProcess Developer Forum, Yuntong Guo
Could you please try to use -d "" option, which causes CURL to send Content-Length: 0 ? So the final command would look like this:
curl -L -X POST "" -d ""
Please let me know, if this helps.

Thank you and Best Regards
Tomáš Koláček
Tomáš Koláček
Akorbi Digital RMP
Customer Support
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