History Column

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Jul 29, 2013, 2:14:41 AM7/29/13
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com


I am working with coments and history and I need save and show the variables values after clik each button (Manual Task)

Could anyone help me, it seems easy but I have tried a some ways...
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Gareth Thiveux

Jul 30, 2013, 11:50:54 AM7/30/13
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com

Here are the properties of the Application history & Comments widget: https://sites.google.com/a/runmyprocess.com/user-guide-runmyprocess/APPLICATION-APPINSTANCEHISTORY

Does it help you ?


Pre-Sales Consultant / Consultant Avant-Vente
 Fujitsu RunMyProcess
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Jul 30, 2013, 5:33:28 PM7/30/13
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com, jfhen...@grupoficohsa.hn

Hi, Already read it, what I need is add a button and save the variable value assign to this button but it does not work.

Thank for your help

Gareth Thiveux

Jul 30, 2013, 5:43:48 PM7/30/13
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com, jfhen...@grupoficohsa.hn

All you need is to put your variable name (linked to the button you've mentionned) in the "historized variables" field of the application history & comments widget.
Then you add a column in this widget, and put the following in the script of your colum :

Is that what you've tried ?


Pre-Sales Consultant / Consultant Avant-Vente
 Fujitsu RunMyProcess
22 rue Chauchat, 75009 Paris - France (GMT+1)


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Aug 8, 2013, 8:26:27 PM8/8/13
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com, jfhen...@grupoficohsa.hn

Hi, I need to use more than one variable, I attach the images.

On Tuesday, July 30, 2013 3:43:48 PM UTC-6, Gareth Thiveux wrote:
> Hi,
> All you need is to put your variable name (linked to the button you've mentionned) in the "historized variables" field of the application history & comments widget.
> Then you add a column in this widget, and put the following in the script of your colum :
> "[[your_button_variable_name]]"
> Is that what you've tried ?
> Regards,
> Gareth THIVEUX
> Pre-Sales Consultant / Consultant Avant-Vente
>  Fujitsu RunMyProcess
> 22 rue Chauchat, 75009 Paris - France (GMT+1)
> website : Fujitsu RunMyProcess
Hi, I need to use more than one variable, I attach the images.

Gareth Thiveux

Aug 9, 2013, 4:27:30 AM8/9/13
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com, jfhen...@grupoficohsa.hn

You're not far from having it right.
In your Historized variables field (cf. Capture.PNG), you have to separate variables with commas, and no need to put one at the end :
sol_aprob1;analisis; ==> sol_aprob1,analisis

What you've done in Capture1.PNG is good, you could even put the variables in two different columns if you want to instead of putting both in the same one.


Pre-Sales Consultant / Consultant Avant-Vente
 Fujitsu RunMyProcess
22 rue Chauchat, 75009 Paris - France (GMT+1)


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Aug 9, 2013, 11:28:08 AM8/9/13
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com, jfhen...@grupoficohsa.hn
On Friday, August 9, 2013 2:27:30 AM UTC-6, Gareth Thiveux wrote:
> Hi,
> You're not far from having it right.
> In your Historized variables field (cf. Capture.PNG), you have to separate variables with commas, and no need to put one at the end :
> sol_aprob1;analisis; ==> sol_aprob1,analisis
> What you've done in Capture1.PNG is good, you could even put the variables in two different columns if you want to instead of putting both in the same one.
> Regards,
> Gareth THIVEUX
> Pre-Sales Consultant / Consultant Avant-Vente

Does not work, Image attached.

I want to print the status on each request, validation or approbal gotten in every step from the process.

Gareth Thiveux

Aug 9, 2013, 11:47:53 AM8/9/13
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com, jfhen...@grupoficohsa.hn

It's probably because your 3 variables are not all defined.
I think I begin to understand what you're trying to do here.
Your 3 variables are linked to three different buttons, each one on a different screen, and then you want to log in the history widget for each screen the value linked to the button you've clicked on.
If this is what you're trying to achieve, you just have to put the same variable for all three buttons (but you keep the different values), sol_aprob1 for example, and then just put sol_aprob1 in the Historized variable field and simply put "[[sol_aprob1]]" in the script of the column.

That should work !


Pre-Sales Consultant / Consultant Avant-Vente
 Fujitsu RunMyProcess
22 rue Chauchat, 75009 Paris - France (GMT+1)



Aug 10, 2013, 9:18:50 PM8/10/13
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com, jfhen...@grupoficohsa.hn
On Friday, August 9, 2013 9:47:53 AM UTC-6, Gareth Thiveux wrote:
> Hi,
> It's probably because your 3 variables are not all defined.
> I think I begin to understand what you're trying to do here.
> Your 3 variables are linked to three different buttons, each one on a different screen, and then you want to log in the history widget for each screen the value linked to the button you've clicked on.
> If this is what you're trying to achieve, you just have to put the same variable for all three buttons (but you keep the different values), sol_aprob1 for example, and then just put sol_aprob1 in the Historized variable field and simply put "[[sol_aprob1]]" in the script of the column.
> That should work !
> Regards,
> Gareth THIVEUX
> Pre-Sales Consultant / Consultant Avant-Vente
Thank You!!! This is the way!!
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