I believe you are stuck at access rights.
Application's access rights are configured with basically 3 elements: Organization, Project Access Rights, Process Lanes.
How to check:
1. Open your Process, and see which Lane the activity is at. For example, Start lane is in Users lane in process.png attached.
2. Open your Organization and Entity/Role that was attached to above Lane, and check the users listed. You must be in Acceptance for Acceptance mode, Live for Live. See attached organization.png.
3. Open your project, go to Access Rights tab, and make sure above Organization's Entity/Role is attached to User rights (and Observer rights).
For more details about access rights, please refer to here:
BTW, since you are Administrator profile user, you can open/edit/launch many things without caring about rights in TEST mode.
User profile user must have Designer rights to develop and test WIs and Processes.
And, Acceptance and Live is more controlled environment, even Administrator can't play around freely :)
Best regards,