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User Management - Mass Actions / Bulk Update

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Matthew Niejalke

Aug 30, 2022, 1:44:17 AM8/30/22
to RunMyProcess Developer Forum
Can someone please direct me to instructions on how to use the Mass Actions / Bulk Update features in Digital Studio's User menu? 

The documentation I can see online gives little details about what these features do, but no specific details on how to achieve them. I tried downloading the template and they just have headers, so not terribly helpful. Also the Mass Action downloads as a SCSV not a CSV so not sure if I am supposed to upload a CSV?

More specifically we are looking at performing a bulk reset of users passwords.

Ma Ni

Sep 5, 2022, 5:26:38 AM9/5/22
to RunMyProcess Developer Forum, Matthew Niejalke

Bulk Update 

This function can change a group users profile and metadata.  CSV format is as following: 

Test user1,
Test user2,
After you upload user list CSV, you will see an empty form of profile and metadata (see attached file1). 
You can specify the profile or metadata to change.  After saving the data, the same value will be applied for all users listed in the CSV file. 

This feature can use to update e.g. organization name as metadata, restriction to DS, etc. 

Mass Actions

This function allows you to create/update/delete a group of users. You can find the complete explaination of headers and CSV details from the online document (see attached file2). 
This feature can use to do operation on a group of users, e.g. change users email domain, reset password, delete users. 

An example of reset a group users is as following

"reset_password";1234567;"  "
"reset_password";7654321;"  "

Best regards, 
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