About the access authority of the PDF created in the process

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Kazuhiko Kimura

Jun 3, 2021, 7:30:45 AM6/3/21
to RunMyProcess Developer Community, imai.h...@fujitsu.com, higash...@fujitsu.com, f.sei...@fujitsu.com, moriy...@gmail.com, t_mo...@shimpo.co.jp
Hello RunMyProcess Support team,

When I create a PDF in the lane to which the user to download belongs and the user tries to download it from the manual task form, I get a 403 error.

Until now, I was able to download PDFs normally without giving special privileges to lanes and users, but suddenly I can no longer download them.

I tried using R_read_file_add_user and R_read_file_add_lane to explicitly give the user permission to PDF, but the problem was not solved.

Colud you please tell us the possible causes and solutions?


Thank you.

Best Regards,
Kazuhiko Kimura

RunMyProcess Support

Jun 7, 2021, 2:19:27 AM6/7/21
to RunMyProcess Developer Community, Kazuhiko Kimura

HI Kazuhiko

We tried it at our side and it works fine.  Can you please share more details about this and a screenshot of the error that you are getting? so we get more understanding of the issue. 

Also, can you please check the scripted lane configuration?

Thank you.

Best Regards, 

Rushikesh Dhanokar

Fujitsu RunMyProcess Support 

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