User delegation

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Mar 31, 2014, 11:53:25 AM3/31/14
Hello experts,

I have a question about the delegation process.
Is it possible to create a user delegation only for a specific project and not for all the projects in which the user is involved?

If is not possible how I can manage this issue?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Sabine El Rassy

Apr 1, 2014, 11:01:45 AM4/1/14
to RunMyProcess Support Forum
Hello Mattia,

A delegation cannot be created for a specific project.
Is your manual task assigned to a specific person or to whole a role?
If it's assigned to the whole role => All you need to do is to add the new person in the corresponding role and he will be able to validate the task.

If it's assigned to a specific person => You can do a loop back on your manual task and change the variable containing the task assignee.

Can you clarify what are exactly your needs in your specific process so we can try to help you further?

Kind Regards,

Apr 1, 2014, 11:57:29 AM4/1/14
Hello Sabine,

in my process I have a manual task assigned to a specific person.
What do you mean for "do a loop back on your manual task and change the variable containing the task assignee"? Can you help me?

I need to change the task assignee if he has previously decided to delegate the task.

Thanks in advance.

Mattia Mastrodicasa
> ᐧ

Sabine El Rassy

Apr 1, 2014, 12:48:43 PM4/1/14
to RunMyProcess Support Forum

In your web interface you can add a drop down list of type 'USERS' with a button 'Reassign'. On your button you define a variable 'choice' for example, having 'reassign' as a value.
That will allow to the user to choose the new 'task assignee' and submit the request. (See below)

Inline image 1

Now in your process, you add a gateway after your manual task where you check wither 'choice' is equal to 'reassign' or not. If it's the case, you go loop back in your process with your new assignee.(see below)

Inline image 2

If you need more clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us back.


Apr 2, 2014, 3:24:23 AM4/2/14
Hello Sabine,

thank you for your support.
If is it possibile I need another explanation. I have to create an hierarchical organization like this:

ManagerA ManagerB
SupervisorA SupervisorB
StaffA StaffB

I have to use this organization in a process where:
1) if the initiator is an user that is in the gruop StaffA then first approval is SupervisorA and second approval is ManagerA
2) if the initiator is an user that is in the gruop StaffB then first approval is SupervisorB and second approval is ManagerB

I tried to use dynamic lanes but in this case I can't be able to assign a manual task to specific person.
What's the best way to design this kind of organization? I would use entity but I don't understand the right way to use it.

Thanks in advance.

Mattia Mastrodicasa

On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 6:48:43 PM UTC+2, Sabine El Rassy wrote:
> ᐧ
> Mattia,
> In your web interface you can add a drop down list of type 'USERS' with a button 'Reassign'. On your button you define a variable 'choice' for example, having 'reassign' as a value.
> That will allow to the user to choose the new 'task assignee' and submit the request. (See below)
> Now in your process, you add a gateway after your manual task where you check wither 'choice' is equal to 'reassign' or not. If it's the case, you go loop back in your process with your new assignee.(see below)

Sabine El Rassy

Apr 2, 2014, 4:48:21 AM4/2/14
to RunMyProcess Support Forum
Hello Mattia,

Dynamic lanes is the correct solution. We had a bug few weeks ago that prevents you from assigning a manual task to a specific person using dynamic lanes. This bug is fixed. Nevertheless we still have a bug on notifications over these manual tasks. The R&D team is working on solving the issue.
For the mean while you can use this approach and create a separate box of type Email for the notification.


Apr 15, 2014, 6:29:14 AM4/15/14
Hello Sabine,

I'm trying to assign a manual task to a specific user using dynamic lanes but I'm not able to to this.

How I can select an user in a lanes that is assigned to a dynamic lanes?
In my process I have to use delegation and the only way to use it is to assign the manual task to a specific user. Is it correct?

Thanks in advance.


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