Unable to Duplicate Items to a New Project

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May 6, 2015, 11:35:30 AM5/6/15
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com
Hey, I've been experimenting with a few applications in RMP in a test project workspace. I've finally produced a useful application that I want to publish in live mode to distribute to my coworkers. I don't want to deploy the entire test project to live mode, so I need to duplicate a process, a few web interfaces, and a few providers and connectors into a new RMP project.

When I try to duplicate my web interface, I keep getting an "Error when trying to copy the application" notification.

I am able to duplicate my connectors, but not my providers, and there is no option to even detach the connectors and reattach them to another project.

I am able to duplicate my process, and detach it from the project, but when I try to attach the duplicated process to my new project, I just get the "Error when trying to save process" notification. Of course, this means I'm unable to reattach the duplicated process anywhere, so it just disappears into oblivion.

So far I have been thoroughly impressed by the capabilities of RMP. I am able to automate very complicated processes into simple activities only involving a few button clicks. Where RMP seems to be greatly lacking is in copy and pasting functionality. The simple act of being able to copy or cut and then paste something from one place to another is an essential feature for any software application. It feels like the developers of RMP focused on all the highly complex features, and overlooked these basics.

Has anyone else had similar issues with RMP?


May 7, 2015, 6:16:52 AM5/7/15
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com, mcol...@fmsworks.com, mcol...@fmsworks.com

Glad to know that liked RMP and able to create,test the Process.

Can you please check if there is any additional info of error message, in browser dev console, network tab?
The copy/save request should be marked with Red when it errors.
Please see attached for how to get it.

Regarding copying the Provider, if we copy a Provider all the linked connectors has to copied, might not be worthy some times.
As a work around you can create new similar Provider in the new Project (only few configurations, not a typical task)  and copy all the desired connectors.

I will pass on your feedback to core team and request to implement custom copy of Provider/Connectors and other features.

Developer tools.png
Copy Request Error.png


May 7, 2015, 9:23:02 AM5/7/15
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com, mcol...@fmsworks.com
Hey Murali,

I'm glad to hear from you. Yes, it looks like I am getting a 403 (Forbidden) status code.

When I try to duplicate my web interface, I receive the following response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xml:base="https://live.runmyprocess.com/">
<title>Unauthorized: . Please contact your administrator.</title>
<link rel="resource" href="config/118401423585136914/appli/193334" title="" />
<category term="error" />
<rights>(c) RunMyProcess 2015</rights>

And when I try to attach my duplicated process to another project, I get this response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xml:base="https://live.runmyprocess.com/">
<title>Unauthorized: mcol...@fmsworks.com. Please contact your administrator.</title>
<link rel="resource" href="config/118401423585136914/process/131383" title="" />
<category term="error" />
<rights>(c) RunMyProcess 2015</rights>

Thanks and best regards,
Michael Coleman


May 7, 2015, 1:44:22 PM5/7/15
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com, mcol...@fmsworks.com
Another feature that would make RMP infinitely more user friendly would be the ability to copy and paste tasks in the process design view, and to copy and paste widgets in the web interface design view. Can you pass on this feedback to the core team as well?


May 9, 2015, 7:23:15 AM5/9/15
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com, mcol...@fmsworks.com, mcol...@fmsworks.com
Hi Michael,

Above errors seems to related to access for your id "mcol...@fmsworks.com" on the Process/Web interface.

Please cross check the owner on your Process on General Tab, refer to attached. And also update Project access rights as per defined in below.


When I tested locally below is XML content, which shows that i have the related access to copy.
  <title>stat_process_by_sending_mail_copy (1)</title>
  <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="config/111111111/process/111111/attribute/" />
  <link rel="process" href="config/111111111/process/111111" title="stat_process_by_sending_mail_copy (1)" />
  <generator>(c) RunMyProcess 2015</generator>

Validate Owner While Coping.png


May 11, 2015, 3:10:40 PM5/11/15
to suppor...@runmyprocess.com, mcol...@fmsworks.com
Neither of your links posted above answered my issue. Obviously I have Designer access rights since I was able to design the web interface and process and everything else. Neither of these links explain the type of rights one should have to be able to duplicate, detach, and reattach items to projects.

Based on the line in the xml response " <title>Unauthorized: . Please contact your administrator.</title> " I'm assuming only administrators are allowed to duplicate items and move them between projects. Is this the expected functionality of RMP? If so, is this explained in any documentation?

I spoke with my team about these issues, and I was given administrator rights. With administrator rights, I am now able to duplicate web interfaces and projects and move them between projects.
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